Insider 03 / 2010

PREFORM PRODUCTION 16 PET planet insider Vol. 11 No. 03/10 3URGXFW 'HYHORSPHQW ] VOLGHV 70 &ORVXUH 0RXOG 7HFKQRORJ\ 7KH SDWHQWHG FORVXUH PRXOG WHFKQRORJ\ EUHDNV WKH VRXQG EDUULHUV RI FRQYHQWLRQDO F\FOH WLPHV DQG SXWV DV D PRGXODU V\VWHP QHZ VFDOHV LQ HDVH RI PDLQWHQDQFH DQG RSHUDWLRQ RI PRXOGV +LJK &DYLW\ 0RXOGV IRU WKH 3DFNDJLQJ ,QGXVWU\ )RU VLQJOH RU PXOWL FRPSRQHQW SDUWV 0RXOG 7HFKQRORJ\ 7HVW &HQWUH 3URGXFWLRQ 6XSSRUW ] PRXOGV D EUDQG RI ] ZHUN]HXJEDX JPEK &RPSHWHQW ± SURIHVVLRQDO ± LQVSLULQJ +RHFKVWHU 6WUDVVH ā 'RUQELUQ $XVWULD ā 7 ā ZZZ ] PRXOGV FRP &KLQDSODV 6HH XV DW ERRWK ( ) Improved energy consumption Piovan, which is based near Venice, Italy, specialises in the supply of industrial solutions for PET processing includ- ing drying systems, resin storage and handling, blenders, chilled water systems, recycling solution and perform han- dling systems. In preparation to 2010 it launched four new product lines – a drying line, in particular. “Genesys is a new generation system,” said Giorgio Santella, Direc- tor of Global Marketing for Piovan. In order to be properly processed, PET must contain little and above all controlled residual moisture. Its initial moisture level can be anywhere between 500 and 3,000ppm. Drying to the required level requires a lot of energy but much may be wasted, Piovan believes. “Drying systems do not know the quantity of moisture the pellets contain so their profile will be set to the worst-case scenario – and they may even be compromising the molecular structure of the PET.” Genesys is able to elaborate what the initial moisture level is, so it knows how much energy is needed..The dryer can constantly and automati- cally adjust to programmed parame- ters – humidity, temperature, whether it is day or night, different supplies. “In conventional systems, consist- ent results cannot be guaranteed; Genesys turns all process variables and can, through smart and part-load operation, achieve coefficients of efficiency above eight – at least 60% more than conventional systems. The other two major product launches for 2010 are new post-con- sumer regrind (PCR) equipment and new supervisory systems. “Recycling and blending equip- ment has to identify the different intrinsic viscosity, molecular structure, shapes and other features of PCR and set the right temperatures and drying cycles,” Mr Santella explained. “What we have done is to integrate recycling as a process, with its own solution. Many processors are already using Piovan equipment on 50/50 recycled product.” The launch of WinPET supervi- sory system fits in with the company’s deployment of smart technology. It allows remote access and integration of its drying, refrigeration and blending machines and automatically makes adjustments before resin gets to the PET machines. It will interface with existing management software and automatically document all activities in the process. into controllable parameters.” Piovan maintains that its ‘smart’ features will dramatically reduce energy utilisation. “We have achieved energy con- sumption up to 30% lower than the previous best,” he said. Genesys is also claimed to facilitate shorter start- up times. “Operators will be able to get it right, faster. Continuous auto- matic adjustment means that Gene- sys delivers dried resin at a constant temperature to injection moulding machines – which leads to more con- sistent quality.” The company has also introduced PETchiller, a refrigeration system that is designed to be dedicated to one production line. The company’s assertion is that dedicated chillers are better for lines that require specific pressures and temperatures and are advantageous if compared to cen- tral systems. PETchiller measures the precise amount of water required