Insider 05 / 2010

CAPPING / CLOSURES 39 PET planet insider Vol. 11 No. 05/10 functional requirements as well-estab- lished standard caps. The benefits of “X-Light” are obvious: these caps are 40% lighter, which translates into considerable material savings – and cycle times are cut by 25%,” Rainer Klass points out. The 96-cavity mould tool cycles at 3s for the 1g cap. The caps, which were optimised in shape and weight, are not only superior in terms of production, material and cost- efficiency, but also facilitate handling at the filling line. Schöttli is convinced that the new “X-Light” screw caps will become established in the market: they save costs and the mould concept ensures safe, reliable, flexible and cost-effi- cient production. International custom- ers are expected to welcome the new product, which offers cost-efficiency in combination with convenience, ease- of-use and a “green” image. International expansion Schöttli is expanding its interna- tional market presence by means of strategic acquisitions. The first of these happened in China, where the Swiss company took over s-mould- tech (Suzhou) in October 2008. At the Chinese facility a qualified team of 40 employees manufactures injection moulds for the production of caps and closures. In future Schöttli’s parent company, Mould Technologies Hold- ing, will intensify its activities in the US market. “We want to be with our customers and move into their mar- kets with them. This includes provid- ing localised services,” points out co- owner and CEO Martin Schöttli. The 96 cavity mould tool cycles at 3s for the 1g cap International Trade Fair No. 1 for Plastics and Rubber Worldwide in the world for you! T h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t t r a d e f a i r “It’s K time” means that about 3,000 exhibitors from over 50 countries present the latest products and concepts – from standard to high-tech solutions. With its first-class range of exhibits, both in terms of quantity and quality, K is the most important business and contact platform for the industry worldwide. In 19 halls, everyone is represented, from the market leaders to the niche market suppliers who decide the future of the industry. Be there when the world-class suppliers of plastics and rubber meet in Düsseldorf! Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Postfach 1010 06 40001 Düsseldorf Germany Tel. +49(0)211/45 60-01 Fax +49(0)211/45 60-6 68 New +++ The K Innovation Compass +++ from mid-September +++ at