Insider 07+08 / 2010
REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 13 PET planet insider Vol. 11 No. 07+08/10 Masan Food: The market leader in seasoning sauces Mr. Pham Hong Son – General Director Masan Food is one of Vietnam’s largest food and bev- erage companies and part of the Masan Group, produc- ing seasoning sauces (soybean, fish, chili) and instant noodles. The company has about 5,000 employees and is the market leader in fish and also soy sauce. The fish sauce market is much bigger than the soy sauce market in Vietnam and also contributes most in terms of sales to the company’s overall results. With its different brands, the company covers the whole market, from low to high-end. Pioneer in PET for fish sauces 14 years ago the first seasoning sauces produced and packaged in PET bottles were introduced onto the market. At that time the bottles were produced on small machines with only 4 cavities, then later Taiwanese machines with up to 32 cavities were used. The company was the pioneer in large-scale production of PET bottles for fish sauce in Vietnam. Today, to keep up with the demand, a Husky Hypet 300 with 72 cavities is used and the bottles are then blown on machines from Taiwan. Altogether 30 million bottles per month are produced, and even so bottles from outside have to be purchased. The closures are mainly bought- in from outside. In the company showroom there are also HDPE bottles on display, but according to General Director Mr. Son, this is not a general trend. Fish sauce Vietnam market size: 100million bottles per month (glass and PET) Market share in Vietnam: >50% Bottle sizes: 500ml, 750ml and 1l Competition: Local companies only Soy Sauce Market size: 15-20 million bottles per month (glass and PET) Market share in Vietnam: 70-80% Bottle size: 500ml Competition: Local and foreign companies (e.g. Maggi from Nestlé in the high-end market). SOLO-MAS technology and savings Sacmi Filling S.p.A. Via E. Ferrari, 1 40026 Ramoscello di Sorbolo (PR) Italy Tel. +39 0521 695 411 - Fax +39 0521 695 401 E-mail:
[email protected] SOLO-MAS is a modular and compact system which, thanks to a new patented technology, sets higher standards for filling accuracy, cleanliness, quality and safety of the product. The flexible software, the user-friendly operator interface and the reduced maintenance allow simplified and economical operation. SACMI Filling complete solutions for the beverage industry.