Insider 07+08 / 2010
MARKET SURVEY 20 Company name MAG-Plastic Machinery SA Nissei ASB Machine Co., Ltd. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Rue Alfred-Pot 1 CH-1896 Vouvry, Switzerland +41 24 482 0820 +41 24 482 0819
[email protected] 4586-3 Koo, Komoro-shi, Nagano-ken 384-8585, Japan +81(267)23-1565 Katsuo Ishiguro Sales Coordination +81(267)23-1565 +81(267)23-1564
[email protected] 1. Machine designation / model number - SSB ( Synchronised Stretch Blow ) serie : 5 - LBM ( Linear blow moulder ) serie : 2 - SLC (Super Large Container) serie : 2 NB Series HSB Series 2. Bottle volume (from/to in litres) 40ml – 2.25l a) Standard machines - SSB 02 from 40ml to 5l, SSB 02 Wide Mouth & SSB 02 Hot fill from 0.25 to 1.5L - SSB 03 from 40ml to 5l - SSB04 from 0.2L to 2.5l - LBM 05 & LBM 10 from 0.25l to 2l b) Machines for large containers - SLC-01/25 : 11.5l to 26.5l ( 3 - 7 Gallons ) - SLC-02/25 : 11.5l to 26.5l ( 3 - 7 Gallons ) ~1.5, ~8 ~0.6, ~2 3. Maximum number of stretch-blow moulds (units) a) Standard machines 10 b) Machines for large containers 2 4; 2 6; 4 4. Output per stretch-blow mould for: 0.5 litre CSD bottle (units per hour) 1,200 – 1,400 bph depending on machine model 1 litre CSD bottle (units per hour) 1,200 – 1,400 bph depending on machine model 900 1,000 1.5 litre still mineral water bottle (units per hour) 1,200 – 1,400 bph depending on machine model 850 - Large capacity container 400 subject to bottle design & preform weight 900 - Other 650 600 5. Footprint / space requirement (L x W x H in metres) a) Smallest machine incl. elevator : 6.35 x 3.0 x 3.9 Largest machine incl. elevator : 11.7 x 4.2 x 2.6 largest 5.2x2.3x2.1 6.7x2.0x3.2 6. Special features (short description/keywords) a) Special preform loading device :to handle difficult preform e.g. preform with minimum neck ring, preform with body wider than the neck enabling the blowing of elegant bottles down to 40ml b) Preferential heating: c) Neck orientation technology, able to handle with all kinds of preforms available on the markets unlike. d) Wide mouth option for production of containers with neck ring diameter up to 88 mm e) Heat set - Hot fill Entry level fully automatic machines. Heat-set moulding, double blow, up to 95°C fill temp. for hot fill bottles. Can also be used for regular blowing at higher outputs