Insider 09 / 2010

MATERIAL / RECYCLING 23 PET planet insider Vol. 11 No. 09/10 Larger material is then used in the casting of concrete. The PET bottle bricks are linked together to form a cohesive structure by using a synthetic rope, wire, or natural material found near the project site. Bottles of 0.3l to 3.3l in size can be used for one wall or another, but cannot be mixed in a single wall. Finally a plaster layer finishes the interior and exterior surfaces of PET- bottle structures. Construction of water tanks From 2005 to 2009 the company constructed 12 PET bottle water tanks with storage capacities from 1,600 to 24,000 l. Here the same PET bottle building method is applied, but the plate for the tanks is made from conventional materials such as iron or cement. All of the water tanks so- produced are still in use, and so far no leaks or failures have been reported. The “Community Factor” The generation of “Community Benefits” is one of the reasons why Construction techniques with PET bottles this system gets considerable atten- tion and support from various interna- tional agencies such as Trocaire, the World Bank and Rotary Club Inter- national, among others. The system contributes to reinforcing the social networks within a community, i.e. the people are actively engaged in collec- tive learning during training and during the construction of a useful structure such as a house. It generates employ- ment opportunities for the vulnerable part of the population and the involve- ment of untrained people (including those with disabilities). In addition, the projects help to create environmen- tal awareness, participants become aware of the potential value of under- utilised PET bottles. Comparative costs It is said that the costs for such a PET bottle construction project is far lower than many conventional construction methods. For instance, in Honduras the costs of a PET bottle structure could be as low as 6 to 11 US Dollars per square foot, depending on the finishing. A 20,000l water tank can cost as little as USD 2,000. The amount of time needed for such con- structions is comparable to traditional construction. The “collection costs” of bottles and debris are not included in the above-mentioned figures. Future cooperation with universities In the future the company intends to collaborate further with universities to train masons, technicians, engi- neers, architects, mayors and public servants to incorporate this so-called Eco-Tec method as a positive alterna- tive to current construction practices. Stylish construction of a house made of PET bottles Proper alignment of the PET bottles is key!