Insider 09 / 2010
TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 49 PET planet insider Vol. 11 No. 09/10 Stretch blow moulding and barrier technology Along with KHS Corpoplast and KHS Plasmax KHS, KHS will be exhibiting its ‘Bottles & Shapes’ program, the new InnoPET Blomax Series IV generation of stretch blow moulders, and InnoPET Plasmax barrier coating. The application of KHS’ Bottles & Shapes program to sustainability and cost will be demonstrated by light- weight, extremely robust and rigid PET bottles. KHS Corpoplast recently introduced a 0.5l PET bottle weigh- ing just 6.4g. KHS says that its InnoPET Blomax Series IV offers higher production speeds, shorter preform heating time, longer service life and reduced changeover time. InnoPET Plasmax coats the inside of PET bottles with an ultra thin layer of silicon oxide (SiO x ), a thin film of glass that gives PET containers the barrier characteris- tics normally found only in heavy glass bottles. It means that sensitive beverages, such as beer, juice, wine, and ketchup can be packaged in lightweight PET bottles. EREMA Engineering Recycling Maschinen und Anlagen Ges.m.b.H. Unterfeldstraße 3 . A-4052 Ansfelden . Austria .
[email protected] We know how. PET Extrusion System VACUREMA ® Prime to produce BTB pellets that are EFSA, FDA and brand owner approved CIC compact inline crystallisation system • lower AA ( < 1 ppm possible) • higher crystallinity • less equipment Batch process guarantees defined decontamination time for each PET flake Continuous software control for • food contact, IV and other parameters Efficient decontamination and IV increase . low energy consumption, 0.30 to 0.33 kWh/kg Output capacity from 500 to 2,600 kg/h Hall 9 - Stand C05 27. Oct. - 3. Nov. 2010 WELCOME KHS Hall 13 Booth A75