Insider 10 / 2010
REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 17 PET planet insider Vol. 11 No. 10/10 lenge for SGT. to be reduced by half - a challenge for SGT of course, but also for the machine/system supplier. Today in the Nantes and Alger factories there are 30 Husky systems with 48, 56 and 72 cavities. Both of plants transform 80,000t PET resin and manufacture over 2.5 Bil- lion preforms per annum. Pellets of post consumer recycled material are blended with virgin at varying percentages up to 25%. (For 5 years, the Alger plant is manufacturing 600 million caps per year in 30/25 and PCO.) Local organisation SGT employs 70 people in Nantes, of which 45 work on the shop floor to operate and service the Husky injec- tion moulding systems. Outstanding features of the SGT plant in Nantes are the AGVs (fully Auto- mated Guided Vehicles), which calmly manoeuvre empty boxes and full boxes of preforms to and from the injection moulding systems and to an automated station supplying the empties and receiving the full boxes. No operator is involved under normal circumstances. The software takes care of the traffic flow (one-way traffic in a circle in the central manu- facturing area), priorities and parking. “Internal transportation is not effected by labour prob- lems such as absenteeism” we were told jokingly. “But it took an extensive introduc- tion period with plenty of trials and training of staff. The investment has paid off in a short amortisation period.” Shop floor activities include a high degree of planning of manufactur- ing schedules in depth and detail. Monitoring systems allow tight control and spon- taneous analysis, and swift reaction to abnormalities, thus ensuring high produc- tivity (as stated: 96%).The factory was, at the time of our visit, working at “89% capacity”. SGT today is producing 120 to 130 preform designs L ] V i ZkZ g `^ c Y d [ E :I W d i i a Z ! L ] Z g Z k Z g n d j V g Z a d X V i Z Y ! B V \e a V h i ^ X ] V h i ] Z g ^ \ ] i h d a j i ^ d c # # # 3 LZ gZhedcY MEET US AT THE K 2010 OCT. 27 - NOV. 3 / 2010 DÜSSELDORF GERMANY BOOTH N°4A35
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