Insider 10 / 2010
REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 29 PET planet insider Vol. 11 No. 10/10 Vision Bertrand Guillet: One of the top concerns of Sidel is to pro- vide sustainable solutions for the beverage inustry. “We want to be an innovative, responsible, reliable part- ner providing sustainable solutions for the beverage indus- try.” There is that word again! One of the top concerns for the beverage industries, and all those connected in France, is sustainability. “We feel we have an obligation towards the environ- ment. Sidel products aim at lowering consumption of resin (lightweighting), also of electric power and water. In addition we support ECO Emballage in the promotion of collecting and re-using recycled material with the objec- tive of saving resources, helping the image of PET and also safeguarding our own interests and business”, said Bertrand Guillet. Reg i ona l mar ke t repor t France part 3 - Issue 11/2010 SBECM, Evian/Danone, Valorplast, Alma Group -Roxane France part 4 - Issue 12/2010 APPE Beaune, APPE Bierne, Retal