Insider 10 / 2010

MAGAZ I NE FOR BOT T L E R S AND BOT T L E - MAK E R S IN THE AMERICAS, ASIA, EUROPE AND ALL AROUND THE PLANET MAGAZINE FOR BOTTLERS AND BOTTLE-MAKERS IN THE AMERICAS, ASIA, EUROPE AND ALL AROUND THE PLANET INDIA SPECIAL SPECIAL ISSUE 2010 D51178; ISSN:1438-9452 No. 06/10 21.06.10 PETplanet is read in 137 countries MAGAZINE FOR BOTTLERS AND BOTTLE-MAKERS IN THE AMERICAS, ASIA, EUROPE AND ALL AROUND THE PLANET Manufacturers of mould tools for PET bottle production MARKET survey Page 17 Regional market reports Vietnam Part 1 Page 10 D 51178; ISSN:1438-9452 No. 07+08 2010 26.07.10 PETplanet is read in 137 countries MAGAZINE FOR BOTTLERS AND BOTTLE-MAKERS IN THE AMERICAS, ASIA, EUROPE AND ALL AROUND THE PLANET Manufacturers of stretch blow moulding machines MARKET survey Page 21 Regional market reports Vietnam Part 2 Page 10 n D 51178; ISSN: 1438-9452 No. 09/10 01.09.10 PETplanet is read in 138 countries MAGAZINE FOR BOTTLERS AND BOTTLE-MAKERS IN THE AMERICAS, ASIA, EUROPE AND ALL AROUND THE PLANET Page 21 MARKET survey Suppliers of preform machinery and suppliers of single stage machinery Regional market reports France Part 1 Page 10 Visit us at Hall EN Booth 03A fax: +49-6221-65108-28 | [email protected] | name company function street city / zip code country phone fax email credit card number expiry date name on card date, signature Order / Registration form Become a subscriber! PET planet subscriptions 1-year PETpla .net package 1) 3) 10 Issues € 149 1-year Young Professionals´ PETpla .net package 1) 2) 3) € 99 2-year extended PETpla .net package 1) 3) + free gift: a useful water dispenser for PETbottles € 289 All prices are in EUR + VAT. Magazines will be sent to you by airmail. Shipping is included. 1) Orders for subscriptions are made for the required term. The order is deemed to be tacitly extended for one year for 149 Euros, if not cancelled in writing three months prior to the due date. 2) Available to young employees (aged 35 and below) on presentation of copy ID card or similar proof of identity. 3) ‚ includes subscription (print and online) ‚ includes exclusive access to our online archive ‚ includes monthly PETplanet Pulse, the PET price index newsletter