Insider 12 / 2010

MARKET SURVEY 23 Siad Macchine Impianti Aeroflon Engineers Private Limited Via Canovine, 2/4 24126 Bergamo, Italy +39 035 327611 Ing. Luigi Beducci Standard Compressor Director +39 035 327618 +39 035 327694 [email protected] B-505 Premium House, Ahmedabad 380 009, Gujarat, India 079 26589712 www.aeroflon. com Mitul Choksi Chief Operations Officer - International Business 079 40069715 079 26586954 [email protected] 3THP-3-LT 3HP-4-LT 4HA-4-TER-LT 4HA-6-TER-LT 4HP-4-LT 4HP-6-LT Tempo2 BS Line Actbo42 Series 4 5 4 5 4 4 20 19 8 Models 1,965 4,210 875 1,730 3,135 6,080 90 – 5,550 Nm3/h* (*) suction condi- tions : 0°C – on sea level - R.H. 0% 1,000 – 6,000 Nm3/h (*) suction condi- tions : 0°C – on sea level - R.H. 0% Up to 722 m3/hr High pressure blowing air (up to 40 bar) High pressure Low pressure screw 5 r High pressure piston (booster) 15 42 Oil free Oil-free Oil-free Oil-free Oil-free Oil-free Oil-free W V Rectangular Layout 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 2 Screw + 2 booster= 4 total 3 No No No No No No No No Yes, Cement foundation required as per specification Water Water Water cooled system Belt drive Direct drive V-Belt drive Belt drive V-Belt drive Belt Belt Belt Belt Belt Belt V-Belt drive Ingersoll Rand Company 800 D Beaty Street, Davidson, North Carolina, USA 704 655-4000 George Mankos Global Portfolio Manager +1 704 655-4311 +1 704 655-4039 [email protected] PETStar –4 Models – 1500, 1700, 1900, 2100, 2300, 2500, 2800, 3000, 3300 Centac C750-18, C750-20, C750-21, C1050-36 PETStar – Booster / PS-2B 1250, 1470, 1980, 2290, 2840, 3340, 3850. 9 Models 4 models 7 Models 1497-3298] 3,085-6,360 Based on an inlet pressure of 8 bar-g, output range is the following: 1,195-3,696. 4-stage from atmosphere reciprocating to 40 Bar Centrifugal design – 4-stages from atmosphere to 40 bar Primary booster system Available oil free 2-stage Screw or 3-stage Centrifugal Two stage reciprocating booster Oil-free. Oil- free Oil-free Horizontally opposed layout Horizontal layout. Horizontal layout. 4 / double acting. 4-stage from atmosphere design. Petstar Primary + Booster is a 4 or 5 stage design. 2-3 stages Primary + 2-stage booster No special foundations are required. Unit can be mounted using typical practice of grouting & anchoring or on anti vibration mounts on standard factory floor No special foundations are required. Unit can be mounted using typical practice of grouting & anchoring or on anti vibration mounts coupled to standard factory floor. No special foundations are required. Unit can be mounted using typical practice of grouting & anchoring or on anti vibration mounts on standard factory floor Water cooled. Water cooled Water cooled Direct driven primary. Booster is belt driven. Belt drive Direct drive