Insider 12 / 2010
BOTTLING / FILLING 27 PET planet insider Vol. 11 No. 12/10 Bottle lightweighting Hauser is a newcomer to the PET field, so packaging studies and devel- opment were an important phase of this project. Sidel provided support in terms of container design and techni- cal characteristics, such as stability, as well as in the selection of preforms. Sidel’s Combi technology com- bines blowing, filling and capping functions for PET bottles in one machine. In combination with Predis dry decontamination of preforms, Hauser has been able to explore a range of preform lightweighting pos- sibilities and bottle shapes. The final designs weigh just 15g and 29g, for the 500ml and 1.5l formats, respec- tively. Package lightweighting has been made possible by preform decontamination and the absence of conveyors between the blow moulder and the filler. Axo-Smart secondary packaging flexibility The Sidel line is also equipped with the Axo-Smart layer formation system. The completely modular and automated system handles packs by rotation and translation and can proc- ess all types of secondary packaging. Hauser’s main distribution chan- nel is through ‘hard discount’ retail- ing, which requires very high levels of flexibility. The option of using software to manage any new pallet pattern is a particular advantage. The two-module Axo-Smart has a very small footprint and offers good accessibility from both sides of the conveyor belt. The Hauser line includes an Aidlin 24 cap feeder, a Rollquattro F15 labeler, a TSM2 CPL shrink wrapper, Pal-Kombi palletiser, conveyors for bottles, packs and pal- lets, and two AQ-Max accumulation tables. From installation to market- able bottles in three months The project was complex because of the limited space available for the line installation. Rigorous manage- ment of equipment reception sched- ules was required in order to achieve quick and efficient setting-up. Sidel’s expertise in space ration- alisation lead to the line concept, cen- tred around ergonomics and compact- ness, which means that the Combi Predis FMa and the accumulation tables have a very small footprint. Very tight deadlines for the start of marketable production placed particu- lar demands on the project. The goal was to start shipping the first orders, for the start of the summer season, in June. Late April, two and a half months after the start of installation, saw the first aseptic validation com- pleted. Production of tea in the 500ml format was able to begin in late May, ready for market release. The line then had to produce at the required speeds – 18,000bph for 500ml bottles and 12,000bph for the 1,500ml format – and deliver the contractually-agreed efficiency for this type of line. Combi efficiency of more than 92% and zero machine downtime for the end of line was achieved. 3URGXFW 'HYHORSPHQW ] VOLGHV 70 &ORVXUH 0RXOG 7HFKQRORJ\ 7KH SDWHQWHG FORVXUH PRXOG WHFKQRORJ\ EUHDNV WKH VRXQG EDUULHUV RI FRQYHQWLRQDO F\FOH WLPHV DQG SXWV DV D PRGXODU V\VWHP QHZ VFDOHV LQ HDVH RI PDLQWHQDQFH DQG RSHUDWLRQ RI PRXOGV +LJK &DYLW\ 0RXOGV IRU WKH 3DFNDJLQJ ,QGXVWU\ )RU VLQJOH RU PXOWL FRPSRQHQW SDUWV 0RXOG 7HFKQRORJ\ 7HVW &HQWUH 3URGXFWLRQ 6XSSRUW ] PRXOGV D EUDQG RI ] ZHUN]HXJEDX JPEK &RPSHWHQW ± SURIHVVLRQDO ± LQVSLULQJ +RHFKVWHU 6WUDVVH ā 'RUQELUQ $XVWULD ā 7 ā ZZZ ] PRXOGV FRP