Insider 04 / 2011

BOTTLE MAKING 29 PET planet insider Vol. 12 No. 04/11 L ] V i Z k Z g ` ^ c Y d [ E :I W d i i a Z ! L ] Z g Z k Z g n d j V g Z a d X V i Z Y ! B V \e a V h i^ X ] V h i ] Z g ^ \ ] i h d a j i ^ d c # # # 3 LZ gZhedcY [email protected] 6h V bVg`Zi aZVYZg ^c i]Z hbVaa VcY b^Y"djieji hZ\bZci! BV\eaVhi^X d[[Zgh i]Z bdhi kZghVi^aZ gVc\Z d[ bVX]^cZh VcY dei^dch ZkZg egdedhZY# Djg egZhZcXZ ^c ZVX] Xdci^cZci egdk^YZh i]Z WZhi adXVa hjeedgi# Djg ^cY^Vc XZciZg ^c EjcZ egdYjXZh gZa^VWaZ bVX]^cZh VcY bdjaYh l^i] Hl^hh fjVa^in bVcj[VXijg^c\ hiVcYVgYh# Hd! VgZ ndj hi^aa add`^c\ [dg i]Z g^\]i eVgicZg 4 § HH7 " A7B HA8 bVX]^cZ hZg^Zh § ;gdb (%% id &'É%%% WdiiaZh $ ]djg § CZX` Òc^h]Zh [gdb '* id -- bb C7=#FB7IJ?9 C79>?D;HO I7 GjZ 6a[gZY"Edi & " 8="&-.+ Kdjkgn " Hl^ioZgaVcY IZa# )& ') )-'% -'% ;Vm )& ') )-'% -&. C7=#FB7IJ?9 C79>?D;HO" ?D9$ ..+, 8^cX^ccVi^ 9Vnidc GdVY " LZhi 8]ZhiZg! D=>D )*%+.! JH6 IZa# & *&( ,*. **** ;Vm & *&( ,** *,)% C7=FB7IJ?9 7I?7 FLJ$ BJ:$ GV^hdc^ >cYjhig^Va EVg` " H#C•'-)$&!' '-($' eVgi ! K^aaV\Z BVcc! Bjah]^ " EjcZ )&&%*, >cY^V IZa# .& '. ++*))... ;Vm .& '% ++*)).,, § 8dciV^cZg [dgbVih [gdb )% ba id '+#* A F ; J Ij h[ jY^ X b em #c ek bZ _d ] c W Y ^_ d [ h o MEET US AT INTERPACK DÜSSELDORF, GERMANY 1 2 - 1 8 M A Y 2 0 1 1 S T A N D N ° 1 1 C 2 0 the calculation when comput- ing the amount of PET to be processed. The InnoPET Blomax Series III has a heater module that operates with classic infrared radiation. Within the project, the temperature profile generated in the preform wall during heating was analysed and optimised. The variables used to asses the heating process were the energy content of the preform and its axial temperature profile. An optimum thermal profile for a preform can be achieved by applying various doses of infrared thermal radiation and an adjustable flow of air to cool the outer surface. Tests have revealed that the consumption of energy in the preform preheating process can be optimised by between 15 and 20%. Applica- tion of this information means that the amount of electricity needed to preheat preforms would drop from 0.15kWh/kg PET to 0.12kWh/kg PET. On the assumption that electric- ity costs €0.10 per kWh, this would yield an annual saving of €7,800. Further energy savings could be achieved by using near-infrared (NIR) technology for preform heating. The use of only shortwave or near-infrared leads to a substantially higher energy density. With NIR, the penetration of the preform wall is extremely intense – a feature further increased by feeding the preform through a closed heating chamber with all-round reflection. Application of NIR heating technology leads to a further poten- tial saving in electricity of up to 30%, compared to classic infrared radiation. The project also takes completely new heating technologies for preforms into account, such as, for example, laser power. Heating with diode lasers would possibly provide new ways of profiling temperature both in the axial preform direction and across its entire circumference. Compressed air: reduced consumption through intelli- gent ventilation and recycling The third criterion was the amount of compressed air needed to inflate the PET bottles. This was to split into two areas: firstly, the amount of com- pressed air needed to blow mould the PET container itself, and secondly, the quantity of compressed air supply- ing what are known as dead space volumes. E modulus increase as a function of the stretch speed