Insider 04 / 2011

CAPPING / CLOSURES 41 PET planet insider Vol. 12 No. 04/11 96-cavity Schöttli cap mould with collet chuck demoulding 96-cavity Schöttli cap mould with forced ejec- tion tion moulding, the individual screw caps are routed past cutting knives that are rotating at high speed, in order to partially cut open the closed TE band. Up until recently, a part of the cap producers have been using compression moulding as their preferred production technique, which required post-folding and -slitting. Many of these manufacturers are currently changing to injection moulding, but retained the exist- ing closure geometry. Accordingly, they still prefer forced ejection in order to be able to still use their existing downstream equipment for folding and slitting. This two- tier strategy allows facility operators to flexibly change to injection moulding without problem and prevents the risk of potential maintenance requirements, which may otherwise occur with unknown demoulding technology. All Schöttli cap moulds can be maintained while installed on the injection moulding machine. The mass production of light-weighting, thin-wall caps calls for a high degree of precision of machines and moulds. Integrated camera monitoring systems used for optical inspection pre- vent the supply of defective caps, which are produced with a reject rate of virtually nil. IMD Ltd. Switzerland / Swiss Made … more than a VISION SYSTEM _ Complete System Solution _ INOX Line (all in stainless steel) _ Vision System with COLOR cameras _ Self-learn functions _ Inline for 100% inspection _ Easy & fast product change _ Very compact Closure Testing Preform Testing 41