Insider 04 / 2011

TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 45 PET planet insider Vol. 12 No. 04/11 Delivering solutions, shaping the future. Light 1881 Original Apt ar Food+Beve rag e in t r oduces the 1881 lig ht Original spo r t c l osu r e : less plasti c an d no c o m pro m ise on perfor m an c e 25% L ess W eight [email protected] - Unscrambler systems and delicate or awkward-shape bottle handling Posimat, which is based in Barcelona, Spain, will be showing a Posiflex unscrambler with automatic, instant changeover, which allows push-button addition of new formats without extra change parts. The Posisilo in-built silo on the unscrambler has a special discharge flap system, which is designed handle very delicate bottles without damage. The Posijet air con- veyor, with its Vertijet system, is claimed to be the first and only vertical air conveyor capa- ble of going up (or down) at any inclination from 0 to 90º with or without accumulation. This circuit will run a flat/oval PET bottle. The stand will also feature a BTU (Bottle Transfer Unit), which sends even very unstable bottles from the unscrambler to the filler in pucks; a rotary OR orienter; a Giramat-D linear turning device that handles asymmetrical bottles in pucks and presents bottles oriented in the same position; and a Posipharma unscrambler, which handles containers with wide openings and large-diameter caps, used mainly in the pharma- ceutical industry. Posimat Hall 16 Booth B46 New generation shrink tunnels, shrink packaging and online printing The KHS GmbH stand will feature a new, modular shrink tunnel design that has been developed as a basic platform and can be extended as required to incorporate additional functions in the future. The system uses indi- vidual hot air nozzles, which enable airflow to be set to suit individual pack formats and can be positioned manu- ally or electronically, and can be individually configured. The new shrink tunnel also features optimised heating chambers. KHS maintains that the new design will achieve energy savings of up to 20%. The shrink packer manipulat- ing unit, also on the stand, is claimed to wrap contain- ers in shrink film without the formation of shrinkage holes. KHS says this will enable the elimination of trays or card- board pads. The online film printing system that will be displayed, applies print to the inside of the packaging, which can greatly reduce damage or manipulation of printed coding information. KHS GmbH Hall 14 Booth A14/B15