Insider 04 / 2011

PET bottles 54 PET planet insider Vol. 12 No. 04/11 Personal Care Optimum design options The French cosmetics manufacturer Laboratoires Vendome in Dijon has pack- aged its “Le Petit Marseillais“ brand products almost exclu- sively in PET bottles. Ven- dome is making full use of the options offered by this vari- ant. High-visibility, coloured gels, the impact afforded by the printing on the inside of the rear labels and the trans- parent non-label-look front labelling means that the article at POS is assured of an eye-catching unique status. Metallic colours and snap-on caps also enhance the quality rating and complement the presentation. Footcare Healthcare Deutschland GmbH in Maintal is selling a 275g vitalising foot- care bath in a handy, transparent PET bottle. This features colourful printing on front and rear labels as well as a colour-matched, white screw cap. The transparency of the bottle accentuates the orange-coloured product (with mint and orange oil) particularly well. Plax ice for teeth Colgate-Palmolive’s new mouth rinse “Plax Ice“ (which offers 12 hours of pro- tection) is being marketed Europe-wide in a blue 500ml PET bottle. The shiny metallic front label invests the product with a high quality rating and catches the eye immediately at the POS. The back is designed with a non-label-look sticker and incorporates all the neces- sary product and retail information. The white screw dispensing cap is secured by means of a printed shrink label perfo- rated for ease of opening. Rossmann opts for PET in the laundry For its “domol“ brand rose-scented de-ionised water, the discount drug- store Rossmann of Burgwedel has gone for a litre-capacity PET bottle with attractive and modern styling. The use of the “non-label look” label on the front provides a view of the rear label featuring a rose printed on the inside. Depending on the way the light falls, some striking effects can be created. A one-hand operation, two- colour screw cap facilitates content removal and re-closure Starlight magic from a discounter The German discount drugstore dm of Karlsruhe are selling 200 ml packs of “Priness Starlight” easy- comb shampoo in a pink coloured PET bottle. “No label” look labels on the front and back complement the design, aimed at youngsters, and contain all of the necessary product and commercial data. A screw-on hinged cap with a crown-shaped top nicely finishes off the pack. Blue PET for fabric fragrancer The German company Noelle Industrielle Umwelttechnik GmbH of Rheinberg are marketing a whole range of laundry aids, including some in PET bottles. There is, for example, “Summer Breeze” in a blue 125ml PET bottle with spray insert and a white screw-on cap. According to the manufacturer 2 or 3 squirts of the product, based on natural ingredients, in each wash cycle is suf- ficient to fragrance the linen. A metallic finish “no label” look label on the front of the pack and an informative rear label complete this attractive PET bottle.