Insider 04 / 2011
NEWS 9 PET planet insider Vol. 12 No. 04/11 Colormatrix receives industry recogni- tion for recyclability in PET additives The European PET Bottle Platform (EPBP) has recog- nised the recyclability of ColorMatrix’s oxygen scavenging HyGuard and light blocking Ultimate UV technologies by concluding that they will have “no negative impact on cur- rent European PET recycling”. The EPBP aims to evaluate technologies and products and to enable new PET pack- aging innovations. It also looks to optimise the economic and environmental consequences for the European PET recycling industry. HyGuard is not based on an oxidisable polymer like conventional oxygen scavengers. A catalytic barrier system, it works in conjunction with the bottle closure system, leaving the container wall free of any additive material which may have a neg- ative effect on container clarity and limit its recyclability. Based on current market knowledge and assuming a market penetration of 10%, the EPBP concluded that the HyGuard catalyst formulation HyCat-1 would have no nega- tive impact on current European PET recycling at its maximum use level of 0.1%. In addition, closures containing the acti- vator portion of the HyGuard technology were found to float on the washing water and are therefore removed as normal during the sink/float step of the recycle process. Ultimate UV390 provides an effective UV barrier allowing less than ten per cent UV light transmission up to 395nm - the edge of the visible spectrum. . The EPBP’s evaluation concluded no nega- tive impact on recyclability for Ultimate UV 390-1 and Ultimate UV390.CC -1 at addition rates of 0.15%. This endorsement fol- lows APR (Association of Post Consumer Plastic Recyclers) recognition for HyGuard and Ultimate UV technologies as fully recyclable under its strict Critical Guidance guidelines. La Seda de Barcelona, S.A. sells stake in Evertis, SGPS, S.A. Spanish PET producer La Seda de Barcelona has announced that it has transferred its 20% shareholding in Evertis, the barrier film company, to Moura Consulting S.L. A minimum price of €3 million has been agreed; the final price will be based on five times Evertis EBITDA for finan- cial year 2013. The sale is part of the company’s strategy for disposal of non-core assets, in accordance with the restructuring plan agreed at the shareholders’ general meeting held on December 17, 2009. Think about it. Is your hot runner supplier just a supplier, or your partner ? Mold-Mastersand theMold-Masters logoare trademarksofMold-Masters (2007)Limited. © 2011Mold-Masters (2007)Limited.All rights reserved. Large or small, complicated or simple, Mold-Masters has the depth, breadth and innovative problem solving to bring all your designs to production. As the world’s leading hot runner manufacturer with the most responsive customer service in the industry today, Mold-Masters offers a level of harmony you know you can trust.