Insider 06 / 2011
BOTTLE MAKING 13 PET planet insider Vol. 12 No. 06/11 Full inspected! Sacmi Imola S.C. Via Selice Prov.le, 17/a 40026 Imola (BO) Italy Tel. +39 0542 607111 - Fax +39 0542 642354 E-mail:
[email protected] PVS-2 in line sampling preform vision system. PVS2 system comes from the need of many preform producers to carry out a continuous quality control on their production. Preforms are checked by sampling (one complete shot every x minutes) then sent to the octabins together with the other preforms. The quality control is continuous and by sampling. The PVS-2 can be connected to any type of injection moulder or used as a standalone machine for the quality lab. The system can run at the speed of 1200 preforms/hour. According to Nick Waite: “Penetra- tion has reached something of a pla- teau in many countries and is awaiting the next major push by the brewers. India is the recipient of one such push and growth there is likely to be very strong but as for China: the jury is out right now.” Technology Forecasts Technological advances support the development of PET beer packag- ing but further technology gains will be required for PET to realise its full potential in the beer market. Advances in barrier technologies have paved the way for PET bottles to be used for small, single-serve beverages such as beer and wine. Monolayer blends and barrier coating technologies are taking market share from multilayer bot- tles, thanks to technology advances and more competitive costs. Further developments in oxygen scavenging and barrier coating systems are antici- pated over the next five years. Pasteurisation of PET beer bottles can pose major challenges to brew- ers. New developments for beer, such as multilayered and monolayered bottles that permit producers to pas- teurise the bottle with the beer inside and prevent oxidation, are positioned to further support the development of PET beer bottles. PET bottles can be engineered, designed, use novel processing techniques and modified materials to survive pasteurisation. Nevertheless, further development of higher heat PET resin and bottles that can survive pasteurisation would be welcomed by brewers over the next five years. * Pira International provides strategic and technical consulting, testing, intelligence and events to help clients gain market insights, identify opportunities, evaluate product per- formance and manage compliance. 13