Insider 06 / 2011

History P&S Technology company was established in 1997. And our company is professional corporation in the manufacturing of image processing inspection machine for all of beverage and food containers. Also, P&S is invested by The Korea Develop- ment bank, the government-funded company, and the image-processing technology as well as the total solution has been regarded by the government. The future value of investments in P&S has been very highly regarded. Solution Most of P&S inspection machine are connected directly to the client‘s production lines, the On-line system, which inspect without interrupting Client‘s SURGXFWLRQ HI¿FLHQF\ $QG WKH V\VWHP DFFXUDWHO\ ejecting defective products are receiving a favorab- le evaluation from many clients. In fact, the suppliers that provides total soluti- on for inspection machine are not so much in the world Food & Beverage market. So far, exclusive suppliers of inspection machine do not provide the perfect solution for a long time, because the rate of development and acceptance for new technology is very slow. Despite in the rapidly developing the image-processing technology, some supplier still provide the old technology beyond ten years for clients. Concept The inspection machines manufactured by P&S Technology are designed with the concept focus on ‚Professional & Simple‘ and both of all the hardware and software have been designed and developed by P&S its own. The main inspection machine of P&S has done a complete inspection for Preform and PET Bottle. It has been developed an effective and economical method for Glass bottle as well as Plastic Closure, Metal Can End, Metal Can Body, Instant noodle cup, and Food container. To design the inspection system, P&S has many solutions and alternatives for answering client‘s re- quirements and the condition of the production line. With the various models and Series, P&S provides many times optimal condition on the client‘s budget and requirements. For example, P&S‘s Empty bottle Inspection system is mainly designed for Rotary type. It use the patented ‚mirror tracking system‘ for the bottle body inspected, this is perfect inspection system as secured many overlap sections. However, all Cli- ents are not able to equip the Rotary type, relatively expensive, so the Linear type that is suitable for the FXVWRPHUµV SURGXFWLRQ OLQH DQG WKH PRVW HI¿FLHQW DW the same time also has supplied. Most of manufacturers provide their own stan- dard models and force for the clients to choose among their models, while P&S provides the most effective standard models as well as various models that the clients are able to choose according to their own requirements. Flexibility is the main advantage. Powerful On the contrary to this, the most employers of P&S are young and have fast developing skills, so we can respond quickly to client needs. P&S can provide superior technology more than other ins- pection machine supplier of long-standing in only 14 years by virtue of these young men. Currently, P&S enter into the world market bey- ond Korea Food & Beverage market since 2005, now is exporting to eight countries, including Japan, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Myan- mar, Vietnam. Each year, approximately 20% of the exports are increasing. P&S does not concentrate on the sales only, by training agents in each country on a regular basis, WKH SROLF\ RI ÃDIWHU VDOHV VHUYLFHµ LV ¿UPO\ HVWDEOLV hed, and we make preparation for a system that can respond within 24 hours. E-mail :[email protected]