Insider 06 / 2011

MATERIAL / RECYCLING 9 PET planet insider Vol. 12 No. 06/11 Mr. Kirstgen, Manager of the Recycling Centre at Gerolsteiner, explains: “We have gone for Strautmann environmental technology (BaleTainer) when it comes to compacting our cardboard packaging as well. Because of the greater density of the bales a larger quantity of waste can be processed. It also requires fewer staff“. As Mr. Carsten, Head of the Department of Facility Management, said, the last of the old horizontal chan- nel baling presses used for compaction of perforated PET bottles is to be replaced by a briquetting press from Strautmann. New Glass Plant - Dis- posal of Intermediate Cardboard Layers A tray collection device loads the inverted trays and intermediate cardboard layers automatically on to a conveyor belt with the help of underpres- sure. These are subsequently conveyed to the opening of the BaleTainer in a fully automatic operation. The generously proportioned opening of the BaleTainer enables the card- board trays to be off-loaded directly into the BaleTainer. According to E. Kirstgen, “The compact nature of the machine has also played a decisive role – due to the comparably small dimen- sions there was nothing standing in the way of incorporation in the production plant or in the production process”. The bales of cardboard weighing up to 550kg are also marketed directly – they go direct to the paper factory without compaction. Bales of cardboard PET briquettes: PET bottles com- pressed into briquettes BaleTainer: integrated in an automatic process for compacting cardboard Y O U R PA R T N E R F O R B L O W M O U L D S . Sidel • SIG • Krones • SIPA • MAG • ADS • Kosme • Nissei a. o. Röders GmbH / Scheibenstr. 6 / 29614 Soltau / Germany / Telephone +49 5191-603-53 / Fax +49 5191-603-36 / E-Mail [email protected] For our subsidiaries in China, USA and Latin America please check our website. PET STRETCH BLOW MOULDS Benef i t of 30 Years of Exper ience in Blow Mould Manufactur ing!