Insider 09 / 2011

MATERIAL / RECYCLING 15 PET planet insider Vol. 12 No. 09/11 barrier protection offered by plastics such as PET has led to the development of a number of different barrier solutions for plastic bottles. In Europe, PET blend solutions account for around half of all barrier PET solutions and multi-layer technologies represent close to one-third in terms of bottle units. Barrier coatings represent around one-fifth of the bar- rier technologies used for PET bottles. Barrier coatings are widely predicted to grow their share of the barrier PET bottle market over the five years to 2015 as a result of developing technologies and more competitive costs. Hot-fill and aseptic technology Bottle manufacturers have developed different versions of panel-less technol- ogy for heatset PET. Multilayer PET con- tainers with an MXD6 nylon barrier and oxygen scavengers are used in bottles for hot-filled tea and natural fruit juices. Manufacturers of stretch blow mould- ing machines have increased the output of hot-fill bottles to match that of cold-fill PET. Manufacturers are also developing energy efficient PET heatsetting pro- cesses. Trends such as on-the-go consump- tion and healthier dietary choices for children and teenagers are reshaping the market for aseptic milk-based products. Furthermore, aseptically filled milk-based products are shelf-stable for up to a year, and can be stored until it is time to chill them for serving. Emerging catego- ries made possible by aseptic packag- ing advances include low-acid soya and milk-based beverages, nutraceuticals and bioactive products. Machinery and material PET packaging market growth is being helped by the launch of new machinery that allows greater flexibility in shape and volume, faster production rates and energy saving. Sacmi Imola S.C. Via Selice Prov.le, 17/a 40026 Imola (BO) Italy Tel. +39 0542 607111 - Fax +39 0542 642354 E-mail: S i f f k l i f h b acm o ers tur n ey s o u t o ns or t e ever age an d pack ag in g industry : complete bottl in g li nes for pr od uct prep ar at ion, c on ta in er m anuf acture , fil li ng a nd clo si ng , la bell in g an d final p ac ka gi ng op er at ions . Th e ex te nsive experience acq ui re d since th e compan y was esta b lished in 1919, i n ad di ti on t o it s r e pu ta ti on for sup pl yi ng adv anced te chno lo gy , fin ancial sol idity an d a ne tw ork of 7 0 co mpanies th roug ho ut t he wor ld , en ab le s Sacm i to meet al l your req ui rement s wh er ev er y ou a re .