Insider 10 / 2011
PET contents 10/11 4 PET planet insider Vol. 12 No. 10/11 INSIDE TRACK 3 Editorial 4 Contents 6 News 48 Products 52 Bottles: Beverages 54 Bottles: Personal care 66 Patents BOTTLING / FILLING 28 The many flavors of Brazil Refriso Bebidas increases PET bottling capacities 35 All shapes and sizes Flexible PET packaging solutions MARKET SURVEY 31 Compressor manufacturers CAPPING / CLOSURES 36 It’s a lightweight Bericap launches lightweight SuperShorty closure in North America REGIONAL REPORT 10 Lithuania / Estonia Part 1 MATERIAL / RECYCLING 16 Bigger bales PET recycling rates up in Europe and North America PREFORM PRODUCTION 18 Short shots A rapid guide to perfect preforms - Part 24 BOTTLE MAKING 20 Suppliers of single stage machinery Single stage feature - part 4 26 Water is life Conteno’s containerized mobile water bottling plant Page 2& Page 28 BUYER’S GUIDE 57 Get listed! TRADESHOW REVIEW: BRAU BEVIALE 38 Go to Brau Beviale The PETplanet Editour from Germany to Azerbaijan and back 42 Brau Beviale Nuremberg, November 9- 11, 2011 46 The bearable lightness of PET Light-weighting solutions from PET Engineering Page 35