MARKET SURVEY 20 PETplanet insider Vol. 12 No. 12/11 Resins Additives MARKET survey 12/11 Company name M&G Polimeri Italia SpA ExpoPET Green INTL LTD Invista Resins & Fibers GmbH NovaPET, S.A. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Via Morolense Km 10 03010 Patrica (FR) - Italy +39 0775 84.221 Marilena Grecchi Area Sales Export and Marketing Intelligence Support +39 02 82.273.242 +39 02 82.273.314
[email protected] 125 Shenley Road, Clarendon House WD6 1AG, London, United Kingdom +44 208 207 7356 Richard Kennedy Business Manager +44 208 207 7389 +44 207 183 5276
[email protected] D-65795 Hattersheim Philipp-Reis-Strasse 2, Germany +49 69 305 84655 Sebastien Casterman Sales Manager +49 69 305 85582
[email protected] P° Independencia, 21, 3°, PC 50001 Zaragoza, Spain + 34 976 216129 Mr Miguel Angel Arto Business Development Director +34 976 216129 +34 901 021138
[email protected] RESINS 1. Brand name of the resins Cleartuf EXPO PolyShield; OxyClear; Polyclear NovaPET 2. IV Range a. of Homo-Polymers === 0,62 to 0,96 b. of Co-Polymers 0.76 ÷ 0,95 0.75 - 0.87 dl/g 0,72 to 0,82 3. Speciality resins CSD Cleartuf Ultra/Ultra Plus Expo A8, Expo A8+ Lbs Soft, Cr Water Cleartuf P76 / P82 Expo A7, Expo A8 Mw Soft, Cr, Glasstar and X_treme Beer Poliprotect PolyShield Glasstar Wine / Liquors Poliprotect OxyClear Glasstar Personal care /Pharmaceuticals Cleartuf P82 Glasstar, Sprit H 11, Sprit L01, Kera Slow crystallisation Cleartuf Aqua D Polyclear T94N Glasstar, X_treme Hotfill Cleartuf P85 HF HF Pre-coloured Dairy, Luz Fast reheat Cleartuf Ultra Expo A8FR Lbs Other Barrier resin (i.e. Poliprotect), for different applications (juices, beer, wine, dairy/milk based products…) CPET, HT 4. Increased barrier properties Yes, with Poliprotect Yes (UV for ultraviolet protection) PolyShield; OxyClear Dairy, Luz (Light barrier) 5. PEN mixes available No Yes, under customer requirements 6. Recycled blends available On request Yes, under customer requirements 7. Special comments Light barrier protection for long shelf life milk products (UHT, ESK, milk shakes, yogurt) Company name BASF Color Solutions Germany GmbH Holland Colours Europe BV Chroma Corporaion Repi S.p.A. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Clevischer Ring 180 51063 Cologne (Germany) +49 221 96498-0 Anna Herbst Marketing Manager +49 221 96498-515 +49 221 96498-520
[email protected] Halvemaanweg 1, 7323 RWApeldoorn, P.O. Box 720 7300 AS Apeldoorn, The Netherlands +31 55 3680700 Florian Balogh Sales Manager EMEA +36 56 420644 +36 56 424/895
[email protected] 3900 W. Dayton Street McHenry, IL 60050, USA 815-385-8777 Stuart D. Swain Director of Sales and Marketing +1815-759-2110 +1815-385-1518
[email protected] Via B. Franklin 2 21050 Lonate Ceppino VA, Italia +39 0331 819511 Maurizio Amicabile Market Development Manager - Packaging +39 0331 819511 +39 0331 819581
[email protected] Additives and Colours for PET Liquid colours Yes Yes Yes Yes Microgranule colours Yes Yes Yes Yes Masterbatch colours Yes No Yes Yes UV protection additive (solid) Yes Yes Yes Yes UV protection additive (liquid) Yes Yes Yes Yes AA reduction (solid) No Yes No Yes - SenzAA- AA reduction (liquid) No No No Yes - SenzAA Oxygen scavenger (solid) No No No No Oxygen scavenger (liquid) No No No No Other PET additives in liquid or solid form Yes High opaque white for light protection (solid), frost additive (solid), slip agent (solid), oxygen barrier neutral colourant, tintmask for recycled PET, Frosted PET Colours Anti yellow (liquid), process aid (liquid), IV enhancer (solid), blowing additive (liquid), optical brightener (liquid), colour toners (liquid), In addition to liquid colours and additives, Repi supply Remap Colour Barriers for protection of the packaging content.