Insider 12 / 2011

NEWS 9 PET planet insider Vol. 12 No. 12/11 MHT MOLD & HOTRUNNER TECHNOLOGY Dr. Ruben-Rausing-Str. 7 | D-65239 Hochheim/Main Tel. +49(0) 6146-906-0 | Make the most of your machine – with a mold from MHT! For many machine types, we supply the mold with the highest cavitation, thereby enabling optimum preform output. For the Husky HyPET machine, we offer an upgrade set for 33% more preforms, without refitting on the machine! • 60 cavities for Netstal PETline 2000 • 96 cavities for Husky HyPET 300 • 112 cavities for KraussMaffei 350 Engineering made in Germany Patent pending: MHT cool MAX ® post mold cooling KHS Erratum Unfortunately, in the Market Survey covering the suppliers of filling equipment which featured in our last issue 11/1, the data for KHS was omitted by mistake. We apologise for this omission. The data has now been added to the online version of the Market Survey of issue 11/11. Please refer to this to view a printed version of the sup- plementary data. Company name KHS GmbH Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Juchostrasse 20 44143 Dortmund, Germany +49 231 569-0 Heinz Hillmann Product Manager +49 671 852 2714 [email protected] 1. Machine designation / model number DRV: computer controlled volumetric filling machine for carbonated softdrink NV: computer controlled volumetric filling machine for still water and juice (cold and hot) 2. Number of filling heads (range: from/to) 48 - 180 36 - 144 3. Filling speed/output - based on 1l PETbottles a. Still water (1l bph) up to 72,000 up to 68,000 b. Carbonated drinks with 8 g CO² (1l bph) up to 55,000 c. Milk (1l bph) d. Fresh fruit juice (1l bph) up to 55,000 up to 44,000 4. Filling process Pressureless (still drinks) yes yes Pressure filling (carbonated drinks) yes no Hot filling yes yes Cold aseptic filling no no Juices with high pulp content no up to 10% 5. Type of filling valve and meter- ing system valve with swirl modul for foam free filling, volumetric system with MID non contact, free flow filling valve with MID ( magnetic inductive flowmeter ) NPE2012 registration opens Online registration for NPE2012, the National Plastics Exhibition is now available at Or ganised by SPI, The Plastics Industry Trade Association, the 2012 edition of the triennial NPE will run from April 1-5, 2012, at the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida, USA, after 40 years in Chicago. Visitors can use the online facility to select from various registration packages and fees for the NPE trade show, as well as co-located events such as conferences. For international visitors who require a visa to enter the US, reg- istration includes the option of requesting an official invitation letter from SPI, which must be presented for visa interviews at US embassies and consulates. The site can also be used for hotel reservations through a link to the official housing contractor, Expovision. The main NPE show will feature 2,000 exhibitors in 93,000m². Space sold so far exceeds total space occupied at NPE2009, according to SPI. At least a dozen multi-exhibitor pavilions will be dedicated to specific industry sectors like elastomers and thermoforming, plus emerging technologies like bioplastics and nanocomposites. Product entries to the Second International Plastics Design Competi- tion will be on display and winners announced in a special presentation. Special programmes include Plastics in Sports; a Technology Theatre presenting product demonstrations and exhibitor seminars; and Recycling at NPE2012. A complete schedule is available at the website. New STF PET recycling plant starts up STF Recycling, headquartered in Aicha vorm Wald, started up a second Erema Prime extrusion plant in August 2011. The new plant has a capacity of 14,000t of PET regrind, which raises the company’s total food-grade PET regrind capacity to approximately 25,000t. STF Recycling owns 10 PET recy- cling plants with a total capacity of 130,000t of PET bottles, across three different sites: Aicha vorm Wald, Gelsenkirchen and Bremerhaven. It produced 114,000t of PET flakes in 2010, which were used in foil, fibre, strapping and bottles.