Insider 03 / 2012

BOTTLE MAKING 22 PET planet insider Vol. 13 No. 03/12 Contiform 3 claims major step-up in output, performance and energy efficiency Air on a 3-theme Krones has announced the commercial launch of Contiform 3, its latest generation stretch blow-moulding machine. The Contiform 3 uses less compressed air and is more energy- efficient, while increasing productivity to 2,250 containers/ cavity/h The blow-moulding module has been entirely redesigned and Krones says that the long-established linear oven of its Contiform S/H series has been enhanced and optimised for energy consumption. The design and development of the Contiform 3 was undertaken in compliance with a brief that required increased output per blow-moulding station; reduced air and energy consump- tion; improved hygiene; shorter changeover times; and easier opera- tion in use. Increased output The Contiform 3 has a rede- signed blow-moulding station, which is intended to enable reliable and consistent production of plastic containers at speeds up to 2,250 containers/cavity/h. The new design has enabled reduction in size of the machine at the same output level, compared with predecessors – for example, an output of 36,000 containers/h requires only 16 cavi- ties on the Contiform 3, rather than 18, as previously. The blow-moulding station has a flexible electro-magnetic stretch- ing system. The required machine speed can be precisely matched to a stretching speed. The integrated Monotec drive uses servomotors and operates synchronously continu- ously, in order to ensure accurate transfers. The servomotors have enabled the elimination of transfer belts. The new platform, which is based on existing platform construc- tion, uses actively-controlled transfer clamps to minimise the forces acting on PET preforms and to provide pre- cise transfer at high speeds. Quicker changeover and improved flexibility Krones says that Contiform 3’s fewer cavities for the same total output already leads to quicker changeover times. The option for integrating a MouldXpress system cuts mould replacement time to less than one minute per blow-moulding station. Complete mould-change takes around 16min. If PET preforms with a different neck finish are to be run, the quick-change handling parts (also available as an optional extra in the oven of the Contiform 3) enable reduced machine standstill times for a changeover routine. Compressed air consumption cut 33% The Contiform 3 series have a number of functions and features that help to reduce compressed-air con- sumption. Electro-magnetic stretching of the preforms using a linear drive instead of a pneumatic system elimi- nates compressed air from that part of the process. The Air Wizard Plus compressed air recycling system (internal to the machine) is now fitted with an inter- mediate blow pressure stage (Inter- mediate Pressure). This not only auto- matically sets the optimum proportion for recycling in each case but also reduces compressed air usage. This means the machine’s total air consumption has been reduced by a third, an achievement directly mir- rored in the lower energy consumption of the compressor required, and the concomitantly downsized energy and operating costs. If we compare a Contiform 316 with a Generation 2 Contiform S18, evidence emerges that savings of €46,000 per year can be achieved, for example with a production rate of 36,000 x 1.5l containers/h, blow moulded at 30 bar, and 6,000 operat- ing h/a. Less energy overall A new heating case configuration in the infra-red oven leads to savings in direct energy costs. With a shorter distance between the IR lamps and the ceramic reflectors, energy con- sumption of the Contiform 3 series has been reduced by an average of 15%, compared to the 2010 oven