Insider 04 / 2012
PREFORM PRODUCTION 17 PET planet insider Vol. 13 No. 04/12 PET planet print vol.6 The Rapid Guide to Perfect Preforms machine no./name 1- 3 exemplar each 129,- € 4 - 10 exemplar each 99,- € > 10 exemplar each 69,- € prices in EUR + VAT. 6. Check that the hold (packing) pressure isn’t too high to cause excessive swell- ing at the gate area, especially in the last zone. Reduce as necessary. 7. Check that the valve gate close timing is adjusted properly. This is typically 0 – 0.5s for valve gate close delay. Minimize to improve nub solidifica- tion. 8. Check to ensure that the valve gate compressed air pressure is sufficient to close the valve stems properly. Typi- cal pressures are in the range of 8 – 10bar (120 – 145psi). 9. In non-valve gated moulds, check that the decompression (pullback) time and position is not too little. This should be set to provide full decompression of the hot runner and minimize the risk of drooling from excess melt pressure. Typical settings for non-valve gated moulds are: Time = 1 – 3s; Distance = 10 – 50mm. NOTE: The positive suckback cou- pling should be installed when non- valve gated moulds are used. 10. Check hardware for worn, damaged or failed components, specifically the mould gate inserts, valve stems, valve stem seals, nozzle tips, tip insulators, and clogged core / cavity cooling channels. PETplanet print Vol. 6: The Rapid Guide to Perfect Preforms by Rick Unterlander and Ottmar Brandau fax: +49 (0) 6221-65108-28
[email protected] Order your copy now! Maag Group is the innovative solution provider for pump, pelletizing and filtration systems. We deliver high-quality com- ponents and complete systems, from extruder tips to pelletiz- ers. In addition to our primary locations in Switzerland and Germany, we have eight sales and service offices around the globe to provide our customers with full service par excellence. Automatik Plastics Machinery GmbH Ostring 19 ß 63762 Grossostheim ß Germany ß T +49 6026 503 0 ß
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