Insider 09 / 2012

REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 17 PET planet insider Vol. 13 No. 09/12 waste recycling, energy saving, water saving, heat insu- lation, use of recycled material) – thus being an asset in terms of Sidel’s image in the country. Products and production Universal blowers are assembled using a conveyor assembly facility, the compact blowers on trolleys in three stations, likewise on an assembly line. A just-in-time approach is used for the placement of materials and sub- groups on the assembly stands. For final assembly of the combis, blowers and fillers are put together, integrated and tested at specially created locations. While we were there, four combis were under- going a test run. “At some stage“ – says Laurent Bous- selet – “when the production processes have stabilised and become a routine operation, and once our employees have been trained to the desired and required level, we will assemble blowers and fillers at the end customer’s prem- ises and in this way create more capacity at the Beijing plant“. Under the same massive roof in one and the same fac- tory tools for the installations are manufactured as well as conveyor systems. The manufacture of steel components from stainless steel is currently (March) being set up. Since October 2008, more than 250pcs of equipment comprising the following have been manufactured in Bei- jing (Sidel figures):  SBO universal blow moulder (large capacities)  SBO compact blow moulders (small bph, small cavities, large bottles)  CSD filler  Aseptic filler  Combi machines  and equipment such as conveyors and other standalone equipment The SBO compact blowers are based on the former Malaysian design and are manufactured using locally sourced Chinese components. Also for the remainder of Sidel products, in particular for the classic and traditional SBO universal blower, a process of localisation and personnel training was initiated resulting in local content continually increasing. Laurent Bousselet – Product Supply Manager of the Beijing plant said: “There should be no difference either in the specifications or in the quality of a Sidel machine whether made in Europe or in China.” Our References In Shanghai we are talking to Marilyn Chua, for four years Communications Director of Sidel for Greater China Zone Market Operation. Marilyn Chua has been doing the job since the founda- tion stone was laid for the new Sidel factory in Beijing. She has been in charge of the project since 2008 and was, and Lead Sponsor Conference Organiser PETnology/tecPET GmbH P.O. Box 120 429 D-93026 Regensburg, Germany Phone: +49 941 870 23 74 Fax: +49 941 870 23 73 Get ahead with PET: versatile, sustainable and flexible November 12-13, 2012 Nuremberg Congress Center Nuremberg (CCN East) Prior to Brau Beviale 15 th Strategy and Technology Conference for the PET Packaging Industry More Information PETnology Europe 2012: