Insider 09 / 2012

BOTTLE MAKING 22 PET planet insider Vol. 13 No. 09/12 Siapi and Sidel launch multi-layer stacking systems for PET bottles Stack, rack and roll While PET has continued to demonstrate many advantages over other packaging materi- als for some time and in a number of applications, one area that has found the material at a disadvantage against its traditional competitors has been stacking. Heavier and more rigid materials tended to have the advantage but that may be changing, with the simultaneous launches of stacking systems by Sidel and Siapi. The two businesses have developed solutions aimed at different markets but claim similar benefits, including convenience, improved envi- ronmental performance and reduced CO 2 emissions. Stack & Pack In the mid-size category, Sidel says that its stackable bottle concept, Stack & Pack, is the first stacking solution of its kind for bottle capaci- ties from 250ml up to 1l. A deeper- than-usual concave indentation at the base of each bottle enables efficient stacking. The neck of the bottle below fits into the base of that above, which reduces the required amount of stacking space and eliminating the need for interlayers. Once the bottle is filled and capped, a stretch sleeve is wrapped around to form a pack of six bottles. The stack can rise to ten layers, rather than six, and increases the number of bottles that can be fitted onto a standard Europallet by 40%. Stack & Pack is claimed to be suitable for sensitive products like juices and liquid dairy products. Sidel says that the commercial advan- tages include elimination of interlay- ers, which cuts immediate costs and reduces waste; optimisation of stor- age space; less shelf restocking; and fewer pallets for the same volume of bottles. The reduction of blowing pres- sure using the stroke base solution during production offers the potential for energy savings, as well as elimi- nating crushed bottlenecks. Sidel says that the technology is now in opera- tion at its production facility and ready for field tests at customers’ plants. Stack Lock Siapi has introduced a line of stackable containers with capacities of 10, 16 and 20l, with the brand name Stack Lock. The company initially developed them for the North Euro- pean market but they have attracted interest from Central and North America as well. Containers of this size are used primarily in the food- oil sector, as well as in the chemical industry. The company recently con- verted a container for environmentally friendly fuel from HDPE to PET, which is claimed to have achieved a reduc- tion of 50% of the original weight. The specially-designed container has a handle inserted into the neck and is stackable up to four layers. The weight reduction and strength of the material offer the potential to achieve lower-impact environmental solutions, including reduction of CO 2 emissions during road transport. Stack & Pack is the brand name for- Sidel’s stackable bottle concept for 250ml to 1l Siapi’s stackable container with capaci- ties of 10, 16 an 20l is named Stack Lock