Insider 09 / 2012
EDITOUR REPORTS 33 PET planet insider Vol. 13 No. 09/12 only include the design and development of PET packag- ing throughout the entire production process right through to bottling and palletising; often much is offered from a single source, or, in other words, by just one company. This means that it is possible to make a rapid response to changes or requirements. Bottle blowing is carried out by preform manufacturers, they may also create caps and clo- sures, for example, or look after the labelling side. In addi- tion to these possibilities, when it comes to complete solu- tions, the products created in the various processes can also be marketed separately. And all of this applies both to beverages and food, as well as to beauty and health care. The economy of Bulgaria has taken an interesting turn, especially in the wake of the country’s recent acces- sion to the EU. Quite a few global players have expanded their business relationships with Bulgaria as far as import and export activities are concerned and are contribut- ing to market activity in this region. In terms of beverage consumption, the population’s focus is on CSD and water, both of which are still way ahead of juices, for example. One special feature is that packaging manufacturers do not simply limit themselves to individual aspects of beverage packaging, but instead offer all-round solutions. Here the customer can count on the services of one and the same company, from the emergence of his idea right through to placement of the goods on the supermarket shelf. Consumption on the part of the Bulgarian population unequivocally favours CSD and water. In addition to beer in PET (which is available here in practically every supermar- ket in up to 3l bottle sizes) the demand for carbonated lem- onade and water is relatively high. Of course, natural water without CO 2 also has a role to play, but tends to fall away when it comes to a comparison of consumption trends. The discounter range also offers, in addition to standard size bottles, significant quantities of container bottles with a volumetric content of ten or more litres, predominantly in the water and beer sectors. T he s p e c i a l is t s i n p l a s t i c r e c y c l in g s y s t e m s. VA CU R E MA ® – P ET e x t ru si on t ec hn ol og ie s Choose the Number One. One of the many display cases in the Gotmar showroom