Insider 09 / 2012

46 PET planet insider Vol. 13 No. 09/12 PET bottles Home + Personal Care Maag Group is the innovative solution provider for pump, pelletizing and filtration systems. We deliver high-quality com- ponents and complete systems, from extruder tips to pelletiz- ers. In addition to our primary locations in Switzerland and Germany, we have eight sales and service offices around the globe to provide our customers with full service par excellence. Automatik Plastics Machinery GmbH Ostring 19 ß 63762 Grossostheim ß Germany ß T +49 6026 503 0 ß [email protected] brands of maag group Maag Pump Systems AG Aspstrasse 12 ß 8154 Oberglatt ß Switzerland ß T +41 44 278 82 00 ß [email protected] Exotic shower gel Palmolive are expanding their range of shower gels by a variation with more exotic appeal. The shower gel, scented with Indian mulberry and lotus flower, is offered to the consumer in a waisted, tear-drop shaped PET bottle containing 250ml of product. The tinted product, the two-tone closure and the multi-lin- gual label design lend the package just the right look. Scent of spring Products scented according to the season are an effective way of increas- ing sales. One example is the spring edition of Pril washing up liquid which is scented with magnolia and apple blossom. By way of a container for the slightly purplish-coloured product, the well-known, transparent 600ml PET bottle with its shiny silver push-pull dispensing cap is used. A non-label look label on the front and a paper label at the back take care of the retail informa- tion. Dishwashing liquid in moulded PET bottle Under its own-label Auchan brand, the French chain Auchan is selling dishwashing liquid with grapefruit and vinegar additives packaged in a 500ml PET bottle which, despite its original shape, is still user-friendly in terms of han- dling. With a bit of imagination, the shape of the bottle resembles the bird in the lettering which makes up the brand name. A push-pull device, coloured pink, matches the colour of the slightly tinted product. The bottle features just one label on the front incorporat- ing additional information on the inside. The back of the bottle has only a barcode label.