Insider 10 / 2012
MATERIAL / RECYCLING 19 PET planet insider Vol. 13 kg in food would satisfy the above criterion for the default exposure sce- nario. In the case of the other exposure scenarios for adults and toddlers, the relevant migration criterion will accord- ingly be 0.75 and 0.15µg/kg food. Therefore if a recycling process is able to reduce an input reference con- tamination of 3mg/kg PET to a Cres not higher than a Cmod corresponding to the relevant migration criterion, the potential dietary exposure cannot be higher than 0.0025µg/kg bw/day and recycled PET manufac- tured with such recycling process is not considered of safety concern. The Panel considered appro- priate that the proportion of PET from non-food con- sumer applications should be no more than 5% in the input to be recycled. The Panel’s conclu- sions for all three opinions included the statement that the recycling processes would not give rise to safety concerns if the pro- portion of PET from non- food consumer applica- tions does not exceed 5%. The Panel recommends that this is monitored peri- odically in line with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). EFSA evaluations only concern the safety of mechanical recycling processes, in which used consumer plastics are col- lected, ground into small flakes and decontami- nated, before being pro- cessed into new materials for use in the food chain. Producers are required to demonstrate that their pro- cess can reduce chemical contaminants in the recy- cled plastic to such a level that potential migration of any residual chemicals does not pose a risk for human health. Applicants may be required to modify proposed uses and/or the proportion of recycled material to be in compli- ance with EFSA’s scientific methodology. These three opinions are the first opinions of a series to be issued over the next 18 months on applications for recycling processes to manufacture plastics for food contact materials. Once this series is completed, EFSA’s opinions will inform the decisions of the European Commission and Member States regarding the authorisation of the evaluated processes. There- after, recycled plastics used in food packaging, food containers and other food contact materials should only be obtained from EFSA assessed and authorised processes. EFSA publishes its opinions as they are adopted and not in any particular order of priority. An overview of all applications for authori- sation received can be accessed on EFSA’s website. SIPA S.p.A. - Via Caduti del Lavoro, 3 - 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) - Italy Tel. +39 0438 911511 - Fax +39 0438 912273 - e-mail: NEW PREFORM SYSTEM Designed to adapt. Built to last. Imagine using any preform mold in one system. Now you can. The new XFORM PET preform system gives you unprecedented flexibility combined with the highest running efficiency: it accepts the mostly used molds (old and new generation) present in the market. So you can feel free to innovate and grow without penalizing your existing assets.