Insider 03 / 2013

EDITOUR REPORTS 21 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 03/13 Recycling line recoSTAR PET iV+ 6WDUOLQJHU +HDG 2IßFH Sonnenuhrgasse 4, A 1060 Vienna 7 ) UHF\FOLQJ#VWDUOLQJHU FRP ZZZ UHF\FOLQJ VWDUOLQJHU FRP $ PHPEHU RI 6WDUOLQJHU *URXS Visit us at: ICE 2013, Munich, March 19 - 21 Hall A6, Booth 275 5HF\FOH 5HßQH 5HXVH 7KURXJK XSF\FOLQJ 3(7 ZDVWH EHFRPHV D YDOXDEOH VHFRQGDU\ UHVRXUFH substituting virgin resin at up to 100% contact with the customers by telephone. Depending on the particular service that the customer needs, any necessary service visits are carried out either by the local staff alone or with back-up from a Swiss engineer who can be called in to help in case of need. Head office staff from Naefels are also called in to participate in negotiating any upcoming purchase orders with the customer themselves. In the office we meet Sergey’s other colleague Alina, who is responsible for handling the whole of the logistics sector. She is the person to contact when spares, for example, are ordered. As might be expected she is kept very busy indeed which means that we have time to exchange only a few words with her. Here in the office cupboards there are two small spares stores, for print boards as well as small parts. Depend- ing on where the customer enquiry has come from or the degree of urgency, there are various shipment options avail- able for delivering the required part. Large spares that cannot be accommodated here are stored at the premises of a logis- tics partner who will handle the delivery in direct response to a customer enquiry. There are also two engineers on site who are ready to respond to service enquiries with on-site attendance at the customer’s premises. A number of technical problems can, however, also be dealt with using remote service media. As of 2011, Netstal machines have been fitted by way of standard with a remote support facility via the Internet. For older models initial contact is, as a rule, by telephone or Skype. In this way it is possible for faulty parts or settings on the customer’s machine can be displayed via Videocall and discussed, something which enables precise diagnostics without the need for an engineer to visit. This system also has the advantage of being extremely rapid. Sergey took a trip down memory lane to recall the origins and the development of Netstal in Russia. At that time, 1997, an agreement was reached with Mannesmann Demag, who had already estab- lished themselves with their machines on the Russian market, to offer Netstal PET machines in addition via their sales network in Russia. The result of this was that, in the following years, more than 100 Netstal machines were installed, around two thirds of which found homes through the Mannesmann Demag sales network. As Netstal’s market share continued to grow, the contract was dissolved and from then on Net- stal was free to operate on its own. In 2004 the fully electric “Elion” range was launched, followed in 2010 by the “Elion Hybrid” which offered higher throughput with lower energy consumption. Sergey feels that in the production of caps and closures as well as for thin-wall products for example the Elion Hybrid will make its mark. Next editour report: PETplanet insider issue 4/13