Insider 03 / 2013

36 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 03/13 PET bottles Personal Care H E A L T H & B E A U T Y C A R E P A C K A G I N G U Clear rinse aid As part of the “calgonit“ change of name to “finish“, the shape and volume capacity of the bottle have also been changed. The new, slim, tall bottle now contains 750ml and features a sloping handle on front and rear to enable easier gripping and pouring of the contents into the dishwasher. The slightly blue tinged PET bottle is sealed by means of a screw cap with a silvery shine. Underneath this there is a dispensing aid mounted on the bottle opening. www.finis Mouthwash The Italian company, Conter S.p.A , has Durban’s H12 500ml mouthwash with mint taste in a transparent PET bottle in its range. The mouthwash, which is said to be active for a period of 12h, is tinted green and the bottle is fitted with a childproof closure. The closure can only be opened by exerting downward pressure on the yellow inner section and by turning the blue external section simultaneously. Shiny metallic labels to front and rear complete the look. See-through container Under its own brand name of “Isana“, the German drug- store discounter Rossmann is selling 300ml antibacterial kitchen soap with pink grapefruit oil in a transparent PET bottle with lockable pump dispenser. Through the transparent front label the user can see grape- fruits printed on the inside of the rear label. The product is said to protect the hands from disa- greeable odours when washing up and to care for the skin. Stinging nettle hair tonic “Isana“ - the proprietary brand name of Rossmann - has a stinging nettle hair tonic in its range for massaging into the hair. The greenish coloured hair tonic is said to promote the circula- tion of the scalp, prevent the hair from becoming greasy and strengthening it. The product is bottled in a transparent, slightly tapered PET bottle with content of 500ml. The container is sealed with a hinged closure that can be operated with one hand. Shaped labels to front and rear act as a means of conveying information. Dual phase hair treatment A dual phase hair treatment incor- porating liquid hair building modules is being marketed by Schwarzkopf in a handy transparent PET bottle with a content of 100ml. The product “Gliss Kur“, which has to be shaken prior to use to mix the product, is applied to the hair directly using a pump spray. A transparent protective cap protects the spray mechanism from being activated by accident and a fold-out label at the back contains the instructions for use. Three liquid hair building modules are deployed for repairing badly damaged hair and restoring split ends.