Insider 03 / 2013
BOTTLES 38 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 03/13 Bathing in blue The French retail group “Magasins U / Super U“ is selling, under its dis- count brand name “Bien Vu!“ 1l of blue tinged bath gel in a transparent PET bottle. The bottle features a number of grooves to improve its stability and is tapered underneath the black screw cap to give an opening diameter of 22mm so as to facilitate metered pour- ing of the contents. A paper label on the front supplies the necessary infor- mation. Pampering shower gel Under the name ‘Thermal Spa’ Colgate-Palmolive are selling their shower gel with salt from the Dead Sea and extract of aloe vera. The bluish, shimmering product is said to have a gentle scrub effect and the aloe vera content pampers the skin afterwards. Packaging is in a waisted PET bottle with a content of 250ml. The snap-on lid incorporates a closure cap which can be distinguished from the closure by its colour and which can also be operated with one hand. Shaped labels to front and rear complete the packaging. Hair spray As an addition to its Wellaflex range, Wella is currently marketing a 150ml maximum hold hair spray in retail outlets. The translucent, bulbous PET bottle has a screw-on, golden coloured pump dispenser and features a decorative sleeve made from plastic in the neck area. A protective cap and colour matched shaped labels round off the elegant appearance of the packaging at the POS. www.wellaflex. de Cylindrical shape PET Power is expanding its Sharp Cylindrical prod- uct family with 750ml and a 500ml volume versions, which brings the total of different volumes on offer to ten. Both new models are produced with 28SP410 neck finishes and can thus be combined with a range of standard closures and pumps. PET Power says that the range’s cylindrical shape lends itself to various product groups, including inks and other household products, but the shape is used most often in cosmetics such as shampoos, skincare and haircare products. The bottle can accept a variety of finishes, includ- ing labels, sleeves or screen printing and can be produced in any currently available colours. Natural active ingredient Colgate Palmolive is selling 250ml of its antibacterial action “hygiene-plus“ liquid soap in a transparent PET bottle with a gripping aid and dispensing pump with a lock. Twisting the top of the pump through approx. 180° in an anticlockwise direction will unlock the pump. A natural active agent removes 99.9% of bacteria and at the same time cares for the hands. A non-label look at the front and a paper label at the rear convey the consumer information. H E A L T H & B E A U T Y C A R E P A C K A G I N G