Insider 04/ 2013
EDITOUR REPORTS 15 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 04/13 SDWHQWV UHVHDUFKHUV DQG WHFKQLFLDQV LQVWDOOHG SODQWV EUDQFKHV ZRUOGZLGH ,I ZH KDGQêW JRQH VR IDU ZH ZRXOGQêW EH VR QHDU <RXU IXWXUH VHHQ IURP QHDU Beauty in the bottle Russian Company Bering was established in the premises of a former Russian scientific company, in 1999, starting with the production of PE bottles for phar- maceutical products. However, the market for pharma- ceutical bottles is considered to be conservative and is strongly regulated by the Russian authorities. “Concern Kalina”, a leading Russian cosmetics company, took Bering in a new direction and in 2007 Bering started using PET to meet the requirements of its cosmetics customer. It has passed several quality audits since then, including assessments by Henkel/Schwarzkopf and L’Oreal. Today the company employs 112 people and its prod- uct range includes bottles for cosmetics, pharmaceuti- cals, detergents, liquid soap, and others. The PET, PE and PP bottles range from 5ml to 1l in size and are sup- plied all over Russia, to key accounts such as “Pharm- standart” (pharmaceuticals) and “Faberlic”, “Krasnaya Liniya” and “Unicosmetic” (all cosmetics), as well as smaller companies. Caps, measuring cups and tubes are produced on injection moulding machines from Demag (100-400 Viva and 125-600 Extra) and Arburg (420C 1000-290). Blow- moulding machines from Bekum (BM-104D and H-121-1) and Italian company Automat (AT 2 DS) are used to blow PE/PP bottle and jars from 10ml up to 1l. Sterile pro- duction of pharmaceutical bottles is also possible. PET bottles and jars in sizes from 5ml to 250ml are manufac- tured on several Nissei machines (ASB 50MB). Tooling for bottle blow-moulding and injection moulding of the caps (up to 24 cavities) is produced either in-house on Mitsubishi E8A and Deckel Maha 63V cutting machines, or purchased from Nissei ASB (Japan), Pentag Stampi (Italy) or Woosung Tech (Korea). The factory closes for ten days each year for general maintenance and repair. According to Ildar Gafiyatullin, there is a general tendency to pack cosmetics, detergents and liquid soaps supplements in visible packaging. The strongly-growing market for cosmetics in Russia, in particular, requires PET bottles and containers. Gafiyatullin is strongly con- vinced of the superior properties of PET containers for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, from their shiny appear- ance on store shelves to their advantages during trans- portation: PET is more suitable than any other material to be transported in a huge country, where tempera- tures range from -35 to +35°C degrees. With increasing demand from the cosmetic markets, Bering has found itself experiencing seasonality, as well. New cosmetic collections tend to be launched in spring and autumn, with production peaking as a consequence. And the same occurs at New Year, also.