Insider 04/ 2013

BOTTLES 43 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 04/13 The natural look Latvian company Helen Herber has launched a new range shower gels formulated to cleanse and protect the skin without the use of harsh chemicals, and has selected M&H Plas- tics to help create their new packaging. Helen Herber Shower Gels contain natural ingredi- ents including rose, melon, sweet plum, coffee and corn- flower and were created without the use of what the com- pany describes as ‘harsh chemicals’, such as SLS, PEG and Parabens. Their laboratory and manufacturing complex has been certified to ISO 22716 and HACCP standards and the raw materials have obtained ECOCERT certifica- tion. The company selected M&H’s 250ml Tall Square PET bottle (Ref. 4089) from its standard products range, topped off with a gloss black pump. M&H has over 1,200 standard products offering cost-effective solutions plus the ability to custom mould exclusive designs in house. GHYHORSPHQW Â KLJK FDYL W\ PRXOGV Â PXO W L FRPSRQHQW LQMHFW PRXOGV Â WHFKQRORJ\ FHQW UH Â SURGXFW LRQ VXSSRU W Â GHYHOR KLJK FDYL W\ PRXOGV Â PXO W L FRPSRQHQW LQMHFW LRQ PRXOGV WHFK FHQW UH Â SURGXFW LRQ VXSSRU W Â GHYHORSPHQW Â KLJK FDYL W\ PXO W L FRPSRQHQW LQMHFW LRQ PRXOGV Â WHFKQRORJ\ FHQW UH Â SU VXSSRU W Â GHYHORSPHQW Â KLJK FDYL W\ PRXOGV Â PXO W L FRPS LQMHFW LRQ PRXOGV Â WHFKQRORJ\ FHQW UH Â SURGXFW LRQ VXSSR GHYHORSPHQW Â KLJK FDYL W\ PRXOGV Â PXO W L FRPSRQHQW LQMHFW z PRXOGV development KLJK FDYLW\ PRXOGV PXOWL FRPSRQHQW LQMHFWLRQ PRXOGV WHFKQRORJ\ FHQWUH SURGXFWLRQ VXSSRUW FRPSHWHQW ± SURIHVVLRQDO ± LQVSLULQJ H RHFKVWHU St UDVVH · Do UQELU n, A XVWULD · T · www.z PRXOGV FR m FEIPLASTIC LQ 6DR 3DXOR 0D\ WR +RSH WR VHH \RX DW RXU ERRWK * L S P R R L Easy grip The French trading group “System U“ of Rungis have their 2.25 litre liquid detergent “Aktiv 4“ on retail shelves in a PET bottle moulded into a shape that is particularly easy to grip. The square bottle features a particularly large grip- ping area designed with a roughened surface and with additional grooving. The contents of the bottle and the size call for a secure grip in order to ensure safe and secure handling of the gel. The labels to front and rear which are adapted to the shape of the packag- ing convey the retail and consumer information. 1-2- spray from the handle Vileda GmbH of Weinheim, a subsidiary company of the Freuden- berg Group, is offering a floor cleaning system with a spray action device incor- porated in the handle. In this system the floor cleaner is integrated in the handle and is applied directly to the floor by means of a lever mechanism and a valve. A small PET bottle with a content of 275ml is fitted to the handle as part of the basic equipment although the 750ml re-fill bottle has to be purchased sepa- rately. Non-Label Look labels complete the packaging design. Foam bath in designer bottle Lidl, the Neckarsulm, germany, discount chain, is selling, under its own brand name “Cien“, a 2-phase foam bath and shower gel in an unusually shaped, extrusion blow-moulded PETG bottle with a content of 400ml. The bottle is shaped like a segment of a sphere with a slightly concave front. The two phases that only the foam bath has enable the user to distinguish between shower gel and foam bath. The retail information is printed directly on the container. The fact that the bottle is tinted gives the product its name.