Insider 05 / 2013
EDITOURS REPORTS 20 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 05/13 Yuriy Khmara and Alexandr Grynko conducting an appraisal of the caps But Yuriy has already discovered a new business sector which could become a growth market. The person responsible for this is Alexandre Grynko. Three foil plants have been part of the company for quite some time. One of these is the A-PET foil plant with 6kt/a capacity for deep drawn foils in Klaipeda. An HDPP plant in Dnep for shrink film for the multipacks and a plant in Russia for biaxially stretched PP with 32kt/a for packaging foils. This plant delivers foils up to a thickness of 12μm. It is precisely in this area of BOPP foils that Retal sees major potential. F.l.t.r.: Alexandr Grynko, Waldemar Schmitke, Yuriy Khmara and Alexander Büchler discussing the film and foil business. At the moment they are supplying Russia and making a few trial deliveries to Scandinavia and Germany. The western companies have decided that the quality is good and, if deliveries are reliable, they would be happy to call off quantities on a continuous basis. For this reason Retal is currently investing in a second BOPP plant. Soon the acorn might turn into a mature oak. Then it will be time to find a new name for the business sector.
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