Insider 05 / 2013

MARKET SURVEY 26 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 05/13 05/2013 MARKET survey Company name Plastipak Europe Pearl Drinks Limited Alpla-Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co. KG NovaPET, S.A. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-mail VialeAzari 110, Verbania-Pallanza, 28922 Italy, +39-3235-18111 Marc Jacobs Vice President Sales & Marketing Europe +352 35 87 19 202 +352 35 87 19 208 [email protected] 702-Ansal Bhawan, 16-K.G.Marg, New Delhi-110001, India +91 11 46470200 Vijay Walia Marketing +91 99811020870 +91 1123327747 [email protected] Mockenstrasse 34 6971 Hard, Austria +43 5574 6020 Hermann Riedlsperger Head of Corporate Sales - PET +43 5574 602 515 +43 5574 62017 515 [email protected] Zaragoza 50001 - Spain Office: Paseo Independencia, 21, 3rd floor. + 34 976 216129 Mr Miguel A. Arto / Mr Antonio Lázaro Business Development Dir. / Preforms Sales Manager +34 976 216129 +34 901 021138 [email protected] /ala [email protected] Preforms Multilayer preforms (Yes/No) No No Yes No PEN prefoms (Yes/No) Possible conicle preform/eco base No In project Preforms in alternative materi- als (PP/PLA/PEF) Which? Possible No Yes Preforms incorporating rPET (rPET content in %) up to 100% for any application 100% Yes 10.0-25.0% List of additives available Colours, oxygen scavengers, light barri- ers, AA scavengers Emerald green colour All customary additives Colours, lubricants, nucleants Preform range Up to 500g for water / CSD / food / beer / alcohol / edible oil / personal care / home care / industrial / hotfill / cold aseptic / specialties; 20.66g; 3-start Alaska; 21.5g; 30/25 neck; 25.5g; 30/25neck; 21.4g; 1881 neck PCO; 25.5g; 1810 neck PCO; 25.5g hotfill; 1810neck PCO; 52g: 1810 neck PCO For softdrinks: from 0.25 to 2.5l.; for water; various neck versions from 0.25 to 5l; for edible oil: from 0.5 to 10l; for milk: various neck versions (2-start, 3-start); for personal care, home care, lubricants: various neck versions Ø 29/25 W (short neck) from 330 - 2,000ml/ 10 - 32g Ø 30/25 W (std neck) from 330 - 2,500ml/ 12.5 - 35g Ø 48mm W from 5.000ml to 6.500ml/ 77.0 + 82.0g Ø PCO 1810 (std neck) 500 -3,000ml/ 18.5g - 54.0g Any other shape and weight required by customers Company name Resilux NV S.B.E.C.M. PET-Verpackungen GmbH Deutschland Appe Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-mail Damstraat 4, 9230 Wetteren, Belgium +32 9 365 74 74 Philippe Blonda Marketing & Sales Director +32 9 365 74 76 +32 9 365 74 75 [email protected] Rue de la plaine 47230 Lavardac, France +33 5 53 97 41 00 Jean-Luc Didouan General Manager +33 5 53 97 41 00 +33 5 53 65 85 97 [email protected] Gewerbegebiet 4, 98701 Großbreitenbach Germany +49 3 67 81 / 4 80 - 4 57 Hubert Rebhan Projects & Sales +49 3 67 81 / 4 80 - 4 53 +49 3 67 81 / 4 80 - 4 52 [email protected] Ellice Way, Wrexham technology Park, Wrexham, UK Ll13 7YL +44 1978 317 350 Kinza Sutton Marketing Manager +44 1978 317 378 [email protected] Preforms Multilayer preforms (Yes/No) Yes No Yes Yes PEN prefoms (Yes/No) Yes Yes Upon request Yes Preforms in alternative materi- als (PP/PLA/PEF) Which? Yes Possible Upon request Yes Preforms incorporating rPET (rPET content in %) up to 25% - 30%; according to customer request. Upon request Yes. Proportion according to customer requirement List of additives available UV-blockers, colours, multiple barrier additives AA scavengers, blockers, coloring agents (liquid or master- batch), O2 absorbers, additives, blends, etc.. Colours, oxygen scavengers, UV-blockers, slip-agents, AA-scavengers, brighteners, PA- based barriers Colourants, UV blocker, O 2 and CO 2 barriers, O 2 scavengers, moisture barriers Preform range Standard monolayer preforms: Weights: 9 - 124g; neck finishes: PCO 1810, PCO 1881, PCO 8- sided, BPF, 38mm 3 & 2 thread, detergents, oil, crown cork, ketchup, 29-25 short, 30/25 low, 30/25 high, 48-40 Bericap, wine Barrier preforms (Monolayer & Multilayer): • ResiOx 3-6-9;: protects products against oxygen ingress • ResiC for carbonated products; • Resimid & Resimax; protects beer which is very sensitive to light, oxygen and carbon dioxide loss; • Resiblock 0-2-4; for milk and other products that are light sensitive Hot fill: For filling at 85°C ; Refill: Wide range of bottles available Neck finish 30/25 high and low, 29/25, PCO 28 (1818, 1881), BPF, 38mm, 48/41, BVS. Study for special neck finish; Preform weight : 15 - 91g; for any application and size: water, soft-drinks, oil, wine, dairy products, home care, etc... Standard preforms 28mm PCO1810 and PCO1881 finish from 14.5g (e.g. for 0.25l bot- tles) up to 54g (e.g. for 2.0l bottles); 28mm PCO1810 and PCO1881 finish with octagonal neckring possible (esp. for German market); 38mm 2-Start and 3-Start Bericap preforms for wide mouth applications. 60g, 92g and 98g preforms with Bericap 48-41 customized preforms up to 400g.; Majority of preforms available as multilayer with tailor-made barrier properties. Preforms for beverage, alcohol, food, dairy, home and personal care applications; standard and non-standard preforms sizes and weights; various necks and finishes, including wide-mouth; Hot-fill for filling up to 95°C; light- weighting