Insider 05 / 2013

BOTTLE MAKING 29 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 05/13 Energy saving potential with stretch blow moulding machines Part 2/2 Reduced electricity consumption of the preform oven *by Gerrit-Mathias Spalteholz, Sales Manager, Technoplan Engineering SA The relentless rise in energy costs over the years makes it essential for every company to seek out opportunities to reduce its consumption wherever possible. One example of a major con- sumer of energy is the stretch blow moulding machine. In issue 1+2/13 of PETplanet insider, we discussed the possibility of economising on the high compressed air of the blower. In this article we look at the possibility of reducing the power consumption of the preform oven. Technoplan Engineering SA offers the optimisation facility TOEO (Techno- plan Oven Energy Optimisation) which saves at least 25% of the electricity consumption used to heat the preform. Practical experience shows that sav- ings can reach up to 35%. How has this result been achieved? High performance ceramic reflec- tors with a special treated surface are installed. These reflectors optimise the infrared short waves allowing the centre of the preform to be heated up more efficiently. Therefore the intensity of the lamps is reduced and as a result the energy consumption of the oven is reduced. According to Gerrit-Mathias Spalte- holz, Sales Manager at Technoplan, this not only delivers a cost saving in energy consumption, but also provides a bigger process window which makes the profiling easier. In addition the company integrates specially designed metal heat shields to obtain a better insula- tion. More importantly, the heat shields optimise the ventilation and achieve the right balance of air flow in the preform oven. Further advantages of the system are that the cost of maintenance does not increase and the lifetime of the lamps is extended. Technoplan Engineering SA measures the electric- ity consumption before and after the installation to prove the efficiency of the system. Example of a machine with 20 cavities:  Electricity consumption: without TOEO: 158kW with TOEO: 108kW  Energy savings: 50kW  Worktime per year 6,000h  Electricity costs for 1kW: €0,12  Savings per year €36,000 In this real-life example, the sav- ings amounts to 32%. This optimisation can be installed in any preform oven. There is only one task remaining: to monitor the systems. The energy consumption of the blower (see PET- planet insider issue 1+2/13) and the preform oven can be checked either at the machine itself or remotely from an office. Should energy consumption increase, the information is immedi- ately displayed and the appropriate action can be taken. Technoplan Engineering SA Technoplan Engineering SA has been in existence since 1989 and has been operating in the energy saving sector since 1998 with special reference to stretch blow moulding machines. The com- pany’s employees have already equipped 1,000 machines with ARS, ARS+ and TOEO. The Devel- opment Department is constantly searching for and identifying pos- sible ways of reducing the energy consumption of the machines. In addition to compressed air saving systems, Technoplan Engineer- ing SA also offers self-developed products, spare parts and an independent consultancy service with comprehensive coverage of the topic of energy consumption of stretch blow moulding machines. Preform oven with heat shields and ceramic reflectors Preform oven without optimisation