Insider 06 / 2013
NEWS 11 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 06/13 Mold-Mastersand theMold-Masters logo are trademarks ofMold-Masters (2007) Limited. ©2013Mold-Masters (2007) Limited.All rights reserved. Rely on our global support network for fast service and parts. North America 1-800-387-2483 | Europe 49 (0) 7221 5099-0 ALWAYS INNOVATING. ONE SHOT. MULTIPLE LAYERS. REDUCED COSTS. Produces barrier packaging parts at lower costs by using existing machinery and standard molds. + Replaces glass, can and multi-layer thermoforming parts at up to 50% cost savings + Simplifies packaging operations + Integrated process controller for flexible barrier placement + Economical solution that uses less plastic, energy and water for greener, cost-effective production IBWA accentuates the positive for Earth Day 2013 Substantial reductions in plastic use and significant increases in recycling rates make bottled water packaging a `face of positive change´ the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) claimed in its promotions for Earth Day 2013 (April 22). A study from the National Association for PET Container Resources (NAPCOR) shows PET water containers are the single most recycled item in the USA’s kerbside collection programmes. The country’s recycling rate for single-serve PET bottled water containers is now 38%; more than double that of 2005. A life cycle assess- ment conducted by Quantis in 2010 found that bottled water´s environmental footprint is the lowest of any pack- aged beverage. The Beverage Marketing Corporation (BMC) reports that, between 2000 and 2011, the average weight of a 16.9-ounce (500cc) PET water container declined 47.8%, saving 3.3bn pounds (1.5bn kg) of PET resin. The proportion of rPET is up to 100% in some cases. NAPCOR states that 1.5bn pounds (0.7bn tonnes) of PET were recycled in 2010; producing new products from rPET uses 66% less energy than production from virgin materials and also reduces greenhouse gas emissions. The US Environmental Protec- tion Agency (EPA) reports that plastic water bottles make up less than 0.33% of the US waste stream. IBWA’s Material Recovery Program (MRP), a collaborative venture between businesses and government, actively seeks to improve recy- cling and waste education, and to collection efforts for all packaged goods. Serac Asia appoints new general manager Philippe de Sarrazin, former Vice President of Sidel South East Asia Pacific and former CEO of Sidel Russia-CIS, has been appointed General Manager of Serac Asia. He replaces Wilfrid Marie, Vice-President of Serac Group, who was acting in an interim capacity and will now focus on Serac Group new business development. Philippe de Sarrazin joined the Serac group in January 2012 as Sales Director in charge of Asia Pacific.