Insider 06 / 2013
EDITOUR REPORTS 12 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 06/13 Surviving in a shrinking market Fruit juice manufacturer Sandora, a 100% owned subsidi- ary of Pepsico, is battling in the Ukraine against the shrinking juice market. With iced tea, Sandora has identified a potential means of keeping the company on a secure footing. The market for fruit juice in the Ukraine has undergone a rapid decline. The reasons are many and diverse. On the one hand, the Ukraine is an agricultural country in which a number of juicy fruits such as melon and peach grow and naturally, people prefer fresh fruit to packaged juices. On the other hand, Ukrainians perceive the weakness of the euro and the uncertainty about the future this brings with it. Saving spare cash for a rainy day is the paramount con- cern. In the beverages sector that means cutting back on packaged juices. We meet Vladimir Egorenko, in Mykolayiv, not far from the Black Sea coast. He is the head of all five Sandora plants in the Ukraine and it is he who has to cope with this Ukraine September 16, 2012 Sandora, Mykolayiv We met: Vladimir Egorenko, Plant Manager Sandora Vladimir Egorenko, Plant Manager Sandora by Alexander Büchler Waldemar Schmitke Part2 We rounded off our journey through the Ukraine with interviews at the soft drinks bottling company Sandora and at PET Technologies, manufacturers of bottling and packaging systems, moulds and peripherals. We caught up on the interview with OldiPET after the tour. In the next issue we shall be concluding our tour in Poland and going straight on to our tour of South America this year. Nuremberg Nizhny Novgorod Kazan Perm Yekaterinburg Chelyabinsk Yaroslavskaya Moscow Ufa Samara Saratov Volgograd Rostov-on-Don Dnipropetrovsk Kiev Warsaw Novgorod Saint Petersburg Gatchina Fryazino Kamenka Lipetsk Zaporishsha Mykolaiv Kharkiv Chernihiv Kalinovka Lübeck