Insider 06 / 2013
MATERIAL / RECYCLING 21 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 06/13 example bags are not tied properly and rubbish is not disposed of in an orderly way. In 1995 the Container and Pack- aging Act was established to meet the increasing need to reduce the volume of waste and make use of recyclabil- ity. The “Receptacle Packaging Recycle Law” in 1997 had placed the responsibility for the recycling of PET bottles, glass bottles, paper and plastic packaging on the manufac- turer. The cost of waste disposal was divided amongst companies, consum- ers and municipalities. Consumers were required to pre-sort their waste at designated municipality pick-up areas, where it is collected by the manufacturer for recycling. In 2000 the “Fundamental Law for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society” was enacted to serve as the basis for a comprehensive and systematic approach to waste and recycling. CHOOSE THE NUMBER ONE. T O T H E N E W D IM E N S I O N K 2013 / 16 - 23 October 2013 Düsseldorf / Germany / Hall 09, Booth C05 On an international level, Japan proposed the “3R Initiative” at the G8 summit in 2004. Approved by the G8 nations, this initiative seeks to promote globally the 3R project (i.e. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) with the objectives of reducing the amount of waste created, reusing the material, where possible, and then recycling, if these materials cannot be re-used. Organisations Two organisations play major roles in Japanese recycling: JCPRA: Japan Containers & Packaging Recycling Association, a government-designated organi- sation responsible for coordinating government, municipalities, con- sumers, specified entities, recy- clers and manufacturers, who use recycled goods in their products – in accordance with the Contain- ers and Packaging Act established in 1995. CPBR: The Council for PET Bottle Recycling: CPBR members include the Associations for Soft Drinks, Fruit Juices, Soya Sauce, the PET Bottle Recycling Association and the PET Bottle Association. The obligations voluntarily assumed by the Council and its members are: promotion of PET bottle recycling - research, study and advice – establishment of guide lines for PET bottle recycling - as well as cooperating with related recycling organisations and associations. The implementation of 3R in Japan in relation to PET is a programme and is an obligation on both organisations. Many of the guidelines und obligations defined are voluntary, but neverthe- less are considered binding for all - companies, consumers and munici- palities. PET data and targets PET resin market 2010 in total (PET resin processed in Japan) 1,750,000t PET resin for bottles produced and sold in 2010 595,000t i.e. 34.1% of total.