Insider 06 / 2013

MARKET SURVEY 27 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 06/13 Preform Moulds  Caps and closures  Bottle-to-bottle recycling plants  Preform and single stage machinery  Preforms  Preform / Stretch blow moulds  Two-stage SBM machinery Filling equipment  Resins / Additives  Compressors  Closure systems Suppliers of preorm moulds/ stretch blow moulds Our annual overview of the market on the topic of mould tools for PET bottle production introduces you to the manufacturers of preform moulds and stretch blow moulds. The following manufacturers of preform moulds are listed: Electra, Husky, MHT, Mold-Masters, Otto Hofstetter, Steelmades. The manufacturers of stretch blow moulds listed here include: Awanti, Comep, Garrtech, KHS, Kiefer, Krones, Moldintec, PET Engi- neering, PET Technologies, Röders Tec, Sidel, SMT, Technopet, Vitalii, Wentworth. Then, there are also the companies who are active in both sectors: Nissei ASB, Petka, R+D/Leverage, Sacmi, Simex, Sipa, TPS. The companies are listed above in alphabetical order; in the tables they appear in the order in which their details were received by the editors. Although the publishers have made every effort to ensure that the information in this survey is up to date, no claims are made regarding completeness or accuracy. 06/2013 MARKET survey Company name Mold-Masters Europa GmbH Otto Hofstetter AG Husky Injection Molding Systems Electra Form Industries Steelmades MHT Mold & Hotrunner Technology AG Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Neumattring 1, 76532 Baden-Baden Germany +49 7221 5099-0 Manfred Lausenhammer Director, Operations, Eng. & Bus. Dev. MPET Europe +49 7221 5099-0 +49 7221 53093 [email protected] Zürcherstrasse 73, 8730 Uznach Switzerland +41 55 285 22 11 Stefan Zatti Div. Manager Sales &Marketing +41 55 285 22 09 +41 55 285 22 44 [email protected] 500 Queen Street South, Bolton,Ontario, L7E 5S5, Canada +1 905 951 5000 Robin Lovell Product Manager +1 905 951 5000 [email protected] 852 Scholz Dr. Vandalia Ohio 45377, USA +1-937-898-8460 Brian Karns Vice President and General Manager +1-937-898-8460 ext:201 +1-937-898-1750 [email protected] B/ 14 & 26, Ghatkopar Indusrtial Estate, Off. LBS Road, Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai 400086, India +91 22 25007774, 67550450 Vipul Mehta Managing Director +91 22 40110450 , 093239 07774 +91 22 67969001 s [email protected] Dr. Ruben-Rausing-Str. 7, D-65239 Hochheim/Main, Germany +49 6146-906-0 Volker Jährling VP of Sales and Service +49 6146-906-122 +49 6146-906-399 [email protected] Preform moulds Horizontal opening Number of cavities 2 to 144 2 to 192 2 to 196 2 to 96 48 cavities 2-192 cavities Preform sizes Up to 5gl / 20l Up to 500g All - accomodated preform lengths from 28mm to 310mm 17g to 349g, 18mm - 77mm 19mm to 120mm neck, Up to 600g, for bottles up to 30l Moulds already built for (makes) All major brands of PET systems Netstal, Arburg, BMB, Husky H-PETAE, HyPET, HyPET HPP, HyPET RF Husky, Cincinnati Milacron, BMB, Engel, Sumitomo Cold halves for Husky, Mold- Masters, Yudo & Full Moulds Netstal, Husky, Engel, Arburg, Cincinnati, SIG, BMB Vertical opening Number of cavities Up to 96 2 up to 96 1 to 12 2 - 112 cavities Preform sizes Up to 5gl / 20 l Up to 500g 12g - 50g, 1 8mm -110mm up to 600g, for bottles up to 30l Moulds already built for (makes) All major brands of PET-systems Arburg, Krauss-Maffei Aoki, Nissei, Krauss Maffei, Engel, KraussMaffei Do you produce single stage tooling sets? Hot runners for single stage IBM, ISBM & Sipa machines No No No No No Other 96 drop moulds for 300t machines iFlow hotrunner systems, to reduce pressure drop and achieve better bal- ance; quick change preformmoulds ; iCool conformal mould stack cooling technology for improved cooling; iFlow inside hot runner manifold upgrade program for better melt operation; hot runner refurbishing and upgrade programs Multilayer moulds up to 72 cav moulds for PP moulds for thinwall packaging moulds for cartridges and tubes Wide mouth, high performance moulds, up to 8 gallon, trigger moulds, moulds for vacuum blood test tubes