Insider 06 / 2013

BOTTLE MAKING 35 mmm$he[Z[hi$Z[ Y O U R PA R T N E R F O R B L OW MO U L D S . STEPS TO THE PERFECT BOTTLE. >YZV 9Zh^\c IZX]cdad\n BVcj[VXijg^c\ 8bem CekbZ &%% HZgk^XZ BZZi jh Vi 9G>C@I:8 Ä =Vaa 7( $ *%+ VcY Vi @ '%&( Ä =Vaa & $ :'+# rating off this resource from the waste water flows produced, and returning it to the cycle. Here also more and more membrane systems are being installed, but this, according to Profes- sor Schildbach, gives some cause for concern: “In the recycling of waste water from production there have been many R&D projects in recent years yet still the biggest problem of premature membrane blocking has not been solved comprehensively. But we are also seeing, in the increasing number of membrane systems being used, that in individual cases very successful water recycling is being implemented. In future we will be find- ing out a lot more about this.” From biogas to natural gas Membrane systems are not only being used to recover water from the flows of waste water. Other resources, too, are being recovered, in par- ticular in the optimization of biogas yields from the organic load. For as an “energy drink”, waste water can contribute quite considerably towards regenerative coverage of electricity and heat needs. The efficiency of this process can be improved still further using a membrane process system which involves continuous separation of the CO 2 content in the biogas. This gives rise to natural gas which firstly has a higher calorific value and sec- ondly can be used in standard boilers. *Cost-efficient use of the resource of water will be a common theme cov- ered right through the exhibition halls at drinktec 2013, in particular at the booths of the exhibitors in Halls A3, A4 and B2. PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 06/13