Insider 06 / 2013

PET contents 06/13 4 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 06/13 INSIDE TRACK 3 Editorial 4 Contents 6 News 42 Products 44 PET bottles for beverages and liquid food 46 PET bottles in health and beauty care packaging 48 Patents WATER TREATMENT 34 Of the first water Water treatment and water management at drinktec 2013 TRADESHOW REVIEW 36 Dynamic development Chinaplas, Guangzhou, May 20 - 23, 2013 EDITOUR REPORT 14 Ukraine Part 2 RECYCLING SPECIAL 18 Challenges of PET recycling Positive EFSA opinions for Starlinger PET iV+ process 20 3R: Reduce, reuse, recycle in Japan PET bottle recycling global and local - initiatives and associations - Part 1 24 Playing it cool! Phoenix Technologies introduces new food-grade rPET BUYER’S GUIDE 49 Get listed! Page 24 BOTTLE MAKING 26 Generating the first design in CAD Bottles, preforms and closures - Part 3 MARKET SURVEY 23 Suppliers of mould tools for PET bottle production BOTTLING / FILLING 32 Ghana gets straight to the point Krones PET line with 40,000bph at Kasapreko, Ghana Page 36 Page 33