Insider 07+08 / 2013

EDITOUR REPORTS 17 Market share in this segment is around 50% and is, according to Dr. Lizak, showing encouraging growth rates. In milk packaging in particular, consumption is growing at the rate of 8% a year. A third string to the company’s bow when it comes to smoothing out capacity utilisation over the year is the production of PET film. This consists of an annual manufac- turing output of 30,000t. This sector of the company is exhibit- ing pleasing growth rates and today corresponds to 30% of turnover . According to Dr Lizak, its special feature lies in the process- ing of PET flakes. In each case the 3-ply PET film produced is made up, as far as the internal and external layer are con- cerned, of a thin layer made from virgin PET material and, in the middle, a thicker layer made from R- PET. Hanex compound PET flakes, obtained from Germany, in their own factory and process the R-PET material, together with waste from the total production, in the middle shift. At the heart of the system are four film extrusion installations; in addition to these a fifth installation is available exter- nally for use if required. Mainly Reifenhäuser- film extrusion systems are installed. Market share in Poland is 48% and 30% of sale volume is exported, and this is expected to increase. According to Dr. Lizak, the concept is bearing fruit. Ulti- mately, PET film can be used for a range of diverse applica- tions in the packaging industry and is not subject to seasonal fluctuations. This means that the com- pany can count on guaranteed uniform capacity utilisation throughout the year Cisowianka , Naleczow Pure mineral water! Cisowianka is a mineral water from a region with a unique geological structure – the Nałęczowski plateau, rich in loess, marl and lime- stone. The water is drawn from the same groundwater sources used medicinally in the Nałęczów spa, famous for the treatment of cardiac diseases. The source of water is located up to 100m below ground, and it can take up to 100 years for the water to percolate down to the source. Cisowianka is classified as a medium-level mineralised water, low in sodium. Share of the bottled water market in Poland:  Żywiec Zdrój 23.6%  Cisowianka 8.5%  Nestlè Waters 7%  Coca-Cola 3.1%  Others 57.8%  (source: Rzeczpospolita, 07.09.2012) Respecting values in effective dialogue