Insider 07+08 / 2013
BOTTLING / FILLING 27 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 07+08/13 CCT Creative Competence Technology GmbH Idsteiner Strasse 74 D-65527 Niedernhausen, Germany
[email protected] PET Molds Developments PET Systems Design and Patents Closure Systems at the drinktec in Munich (Sept. 16-20), booth B3/414 at the K in Düsseldorf (Oct. 16-23), booth 1/1A40 CCTsystems ® -SST Standard Slider Technology 1 Closure Type 3 Technologies CCTsystems ® -SFBT Slit Fold Band Technology Design and Patents Closure Molds CCTsystems ® -SBT Slit Band Technology Adding modern technology to the mix Cobega seeks to reduce produc- tion costs and improve efficiency by investing in continuous improvement of processes and structures in addi- tion to equipping its facilities with advanced technologies. This strategy has helped Cobega Group companies to expand their production capaci- ties and increase their market shares. The recent expansion of the Cavibel ECCBC plant in the Republic of Cape Verde, which is part of this process, has involved the installation of a complete new line, provided by SMI. It has been set up to manufacture and fill PET bottles of sizes ranging from 0.33 to 2l with Coca-Cola and Fanta branded products. The new plant, which has a capac- ity of 7,200bph, includes a Smiform SR4 rotary stretch-blow moulder, a rinse-fill-cap monobloc and relating premixer, a rotary reel labeller, a Smi- flexi LSK 35F shrinkwrapper for film- only packaging of 0.33, 0.35 and 0.5l bottles in 4x3 arrangement, and 1, 1.5 and 2l bottles in the 3x2 and 2x2 configurations. SMI also provided all the conveyor belts for the loose con- tainers and the packaged products, as well as the control and electrical distribution systems. Energy savings along the line During the project study stages, SMI designers performed a thorough analysis of product build-up, distribu- tion and handling dynamics to ensure fluid and constant production flows as well as maximum operating flexibility in the installed machines. Today, the line engineering solution designed by SMI allows the Cavibel ECCBC plant to manage complete product flows. The automation and control system, which involves the use of sophisti- cated sensors positioned in the line’s most strategic points, allows the main- tenance of high levels of operating efficiency during all production cycle phases. All the machines provided by SMI are electronically controlled and have been designed in full compliance with the environmental policy of the Coca- Cola Group. To reduce energy con- sumption, all the motors are equipped with inverters. The Smiform SR 4 stretch-blow moulder is equipped with a system that recovers the com- pressed air used during the blowing process and Smiline conveyor belts are lubricated with silicone material, which allows considerable saving of water and reduced release of organo- phosphates in the drains. Further, the air conveyors between the blow moulder and the filler have filters designed to prevent contamination of the conveyed empty bottles. Sprite is also being filled at Cavibel Cavibel staff in front of the SMI line