Insider 09 / 2013

EDITOUR REPORTS 23 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 09/13 Once collected, there is still plenty to do before … …the PET bottles have been separated out. In a second stage, the strips are turned into brooms for street sweeping (All photos ecovecindarios) Swisscontact, a non- governmental organisation, operates worldwide and is concerned with Vocational Education and Training, SME Promotion, Financial Services, and Resource Efficiency, principally in Third World countries. It is mainly financed through monetary donations by industry and the municipali- ties in Switzerland. Not all the PET bottles collected are melted down. Here Ecovecindarios have helped small business Recojo by provid- ing a machine that transforms the PET bottle by cutting it into a long strip of PET. PROVEN COST SAVINGS PERFORMANCE Mold-Mastersand theMold-Masters logoare trademarksofMold-Masters (2007) Limited. ©2013Mold-Masters (2007) Limited.All rights reserved. Rely on our global support network for fast service and parts. North America 1-800-387-2483 | Europe 49 (0) 7221 5099-0 Asia 86 512 86162882 ALWAYS INNOVATING. + More efficient use of platen real estate increases the cavitation for a given machine size + Proprietary iFLOW and iCOOL technology reduces cycle times while improving balance, lowering injection pressure and increasing dimensional repeatability + Tooling solutions to revitalize, recapitalize and rev up existing systems + Take advantage of global sales, service and manufacturing locations Get 50% more output from the same machine 96-CAVITY MICRO PITCH MOLD FOR 300T MACHINES Visit us at Hall 1 / A39 Contact us today at: [email protected]