Insider 09 / 2013
EDITOURS REPORTS 32 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 09/13
[email protected] P.E.T. Engineering: the one-stop shop for beverage packaging. Technology excellence, captivating design, ergonomic shapes: a product developed by P.E.T. Engineering is easily recognizable. Its technical know-how and experience have made of it a leader brand in the sector of PET containers. Design, prototyping, laboratory tests and the production of blow moulds: P.E.T. Engineering is the perfect partner, holding itself all the possible solutions. PACKAGING. EVERYTHING YOU NEED DESIGN The perfect shape for an easy handling. PROTOTYPING Bottles available just a few hours DIWHU WKH ȴQDO GHVLJQ RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT New materials, innovative solutions and cutting edge technologies. PRODUCTION AND CUSTOMISING OF THE MOULDS High quality blow moulds for every kind of container and any type of blowing machine. STARTUPASSISTANCE AND TRAINING Supporting the client during the whole project. Visit us at Drinktec 2013 Hall B3, Booth 309 Munich – Germany 16-20 September 2013 March 4, 2013 Surena, Sucre We met: Paola Alverez Banzer, Marketing Brewing beer at a height of 3,300m above sea level In Sucre, the constitutional capital of Bolivia, Surena brews beer at a height of 3,300m above sea level. It is a small brewery that is successfully competing against the all-powerful CBN brewing group. Surena is, incidentally, also the only producer of malt in Bolivia. The barley that grows all around Sucre is the reason why the Surena brewery opened up here in 1951. This means that the brewery is able to obtain one of its most important ingredients direct. Four different malts are pro- duced in its own maltings, three light and a darker variety. Four bottom-fermented beers are produced from these malts. Surena also sells the malt to other small breweries who likewise make beers from it which they sell over the counter to their own customers. The 80,000hl are brewed in the classic tradition and matured for six to eight weeks in the conditioning tanks. In the plant there are two brewing lines, an older one made from copper and a newer one parallel to it in stainless steel. The brewpots need to have pressure applied to them as otherwise, at this altitude, the water will boil before it reaches the required boiling temperature of 100°C. The water is supplied by the municipality. “It’s on tap, and it’s top quality“ says Marketing Manager Paola Alverez Banzer who shows me round the plant. At the time of our visit Surena was busy filling cans. In the background is the tunnel pasteuriser through which the bottling operation also passes. 360°