Insider 09 / 2013

EDITOUR REPORTS 33 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 09/13 Recycling line recoSTAR PET iV+ 6WDUOLQJHU +HDG 2IßFH Sonnenuhrgasse 4, A 1060 Vienna 7 ) UHF\FOLQJ#VWDUOLQJHU FRP ZZZ UHF\FOLQJ VWDUOLQJHU FRP $ PHPEHU RI 6WDUOLQJHU *URXS Visit us at: K 2013, Düsseldorf, October 16 - 23 Hall 16 B47, Hall 9 D21 5HF\FOH 5HßQH 5HXVH 7KURXJK XSF\FOLQJ 3(7 ZDVWH EHFRPHV D YDOXDEOH VHFRQGDU\ UHVRXUFH substituting virgin resin at up to 100% A month ago Surena updated its website – new labels, new advertising - and its sales have risen by 40%. Now, in the low season, Surena is able to run additional pro- duction (ultimately the brewery is designed for 100,000hl) but should the 40% growth continue until the start of the season in November, things could be a little tight. “This is the sort of problem we don’t mind worrying about”, says Paola. The heart of the brewery. We are standing in the new brewhouse, behind us you can see the older brewing kettles 360°