Insider 09 / 2013

BOTTLE MAKING 42 PET planet insider Vol. 14 No. 09/13 historical markets, i.e. filling food such as dairy products, sauces, edible oil, but also non-food, i.e. home care, personal care and chemicals. Bot- tles/containers/cups to be filled can be glass, metal and plastics. In liquid dairy packaging future global market growth is expected especially for fla- voured milk, drinking yoghurt and but- termilk – particularly packaged in PET. Among packaging materials world- wide, growth is predicted for PET. PET will continue to be a substitute for glass, carton and metal, and is expected to show above average growth in the emerging countries. Serac’s target markets for 40 years and to this day are fillers with low to medium production output, i.e. from 2,000bph to max. 45,000bph. Compe- tition with high output machine makers for commodity products such as water and CSD is deliberately avoided. Customer preferences are for integrated blowing-filling-capping in volume production. Serac has already met this current trend by matching their fillers with blowers from Sipa or Urola and will continue doing so on request. Combox H2F is a com- plete Serac in-house solution. For Serac, the Combox H2F represents the logical outcome of their strate- gic aspirations, combining as it does not only design and development but their entire engineering expertise and experience. SBL blower (Serac blow linear) The SBL range includes six models with blowing cavitations rang- ing from two to eight, volumes from 50ml to 8l and an output between 2,400bph and 12,000bph. Technical features:  A patented transfer system con- verts the sequential motion of the linear blower into a continu- ous motion of the rotary filler, thus ensuring transfer of bottles free of contact and damage.  Energy consumption is optimised due to all electric drives.  A perfect toggle closing of the mould – 50t force – ensures lim- ited parting lines appear on the bottles.  Mould change assistance.  Ergonomic design with sliding doors over the entire length of blower to provide total visibility and access to the inner parts. The SBL blower is assembled in Serac’s lean manufacturing production facility in Malaysia under the profes- sional management of Sylvain Auvray. He can call on 15 years’ experience, when he managed Sidel Malaysia and subsequently was instrumental in the construction of Sidel Bejing, where complete blowing-filling lines are manu- factured. His services and also his local knowledge are available for Serac. Our hosts were keen to point out that quality is key issue in the Malay- sia production. The SBL is manufac- tured in preassemblies, controlled, tested and tried, before final assem- bly. 85% of materials are of local Malaysian origin, 15% of materials are imported from Europe – i.e. compo- nents such as the B&R control panel, the servo motors, power regulator by Olicorp, the Seitz valves for blowing. H2F rotary filler (Highly Hygienic Filler) Inspired by the aseptic milk filling Serac developed this ultra clean filler. H2F is available in various categories depending on product quality, shelf life, cold chain, hygiene of container, stor- age, etc. Jean-Paul Tilloy presented design features such as the clean sur- faces in the working zone, the machine sealing quality, a simplified neck trans- fer, the multi-flow nozzles and with reference to the integrated new capper TCS4 the screw monitoring of the tight- ening torque and the decontamination with pulsed light. Aymeric Vague summed up: “With- out question, the Combox H2F is a dramatic step forward in our product development. The development is based on existing technical knowl- edge and will add to the existing core business and open new markets.” He went on to claim: “The Combox H2F is the affordable solution for mid-sized dairy products manufacturers – very much in the Serac tradition. No over- sizing, no over-investment.” The ultra clean blow moulding-fill- ing-capping line for dairy PET bottle production at up to 12,000bph is being assembled at the Serac plant in La Ferté-Bernard. The Combox H2F is the latest member of Serac’s product portfolio.